NW-California Quake

It was a nice long roller here in Arcata. My brother (geologist) and I were at lunch and really enjoyed it......you could tell all the east coast transplants immediately....they looked like deer do in the headlights. very little up and down motion....A lot of side to side motion. What really surprised me is that it was not from the Gordo Plate....My brother checked his phone and the initial plotting was up on the Klamath....can't say that is normal....though not unheard of. fairly shallow as well. Hey maybe this will mark the beginning of winter!

Thanks for chiming in with observations -- and geologic detail, Cort -- I thought you were in that area.
Glad you enjoyed the ride. :D

We never have anything cool like that in central Oregon. The most we can hope for is a volcanic eruption.
that is funny...when my brother first checked his phone the location was near enough to Shasta that made me pause for a second....no such luck....or good luck depending on where you are located.

When Oregon does get a big one, earthquake I mean, it could be one of the really big ones, a "megathrust" earthquake, like the 1700 Cascadia quake.
Most likely I'll be long dead before that happens, but anyone on the coast from Northern California to Washington might want to stay off the beach that day.

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