October 2011 WTW Black Rock Desert Rally


Captain Leisure
Site Team
Nov 10, 2005
Eugene, Oregon
We had a good turnout of 7 trucks at the remote Black Rock Desert in NW Nevada over the past weekend. Home Skillet and I took a route from Cedarville, NE on dirt roads to the Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge, and then south directly to Soldier Meadows. This route travels a lot of remote country:


Badger Camp & Cabin:



Entering the Summit Lake Reservation:


Summit Lake:


Road is pretty rough between Summit Lake and Soldier Meadows:


Meeting everyone at Solider Meadows:

WTW crew hitting the Playa:


We had a hilarious moment on the playa as everyone was spaced out quite a bit and the person in the lead (Lovecock) decided we needed to backtrack a bit and follow the playa "road" heading north. Our line of vehicles that had been following each other ended up in two groups heading straight at each other and then trucks seemingly veering all over the place. It was hilarious I wish there was some video.....

Arriving at Double Hot Springs:


175 degree water:



We found a great spot to camp at the base of Black Rock Point, had a beer or two, and hit the sack. Everyone parted ways in the morning. Another great time and thanks to those that participated!


I recognize some of the vehicles on the playa line-up but not all. Can you I.D. the players for us?
We found a great spot to camp at the base of Black Rock Point, had a beer or two, and hit the sack. Everyone parted ways in the morning.

What? No stories of debauchery? No new nick names for members? Hardly sounds like a Dirty Dog Rally to me.
I recognize some of the vehicles on the playa line-up but not all. Can you I.D. the players for us?

What? No stories of debauchery? No new nick names for members? Hardly sounds like a Dirty Dog Rally to me.

Actually there is a new nickname to be assigned later today. You will find it mentioned in the report.
I recognize some of the vehicles on the playa line-up but not all. Can you I.D. the players for us?

  • Let's see if my memory works, Left to Right: Home Skillet, Silvertip47, Me, Dirty Dog, Brett13, Camelracer, MarkBC
What? No stories of debauchery? No new nick names for members? Hardly sounds like a Dirty Dog Rally to me.

  • Oh yeah..there will be a new nickname showing up soon :)
We found a great spot to camp at the base of Black Rock Point, had a beer or two, and hit the sack.

Hmmm.....as I recall...seems like there were several hours/gallons between "had a beer or two" and "hit the sack"
...but what happens at Black Rock Point stays at Black Rock Point, right?
After looking at the pics I think its a good thing I didn't try and make a 2am appearance. Looks like a good trip, hate to have missed it.
I had a great time at my first WTW Rally!!! Couldn't ask for a better bunch of folks to hang out with!!! :cool:

When is the next one?? :D

I showed my wife my separating roof and she just said "well, darnit". No the "go get a new one" I was hoping for!! :( So, Home Skillet, I will try to keep my questions to a minimum!!!

Here is another shot of us cruising across the playa. Yes, I was keeping my distance. Didn't want a repeat of Lovecock doing a 180 straight at me at a 100MPH!!!! :oops: :D

Here is another shot of us cruising across the playa. Yes, I was keeping my distance. Didn't want a repeat of Lovecock doing a 180 straight at me at a 100MPH!!!! :oops: :D

We're hoping the complete story unfolds for the rest of us over the coming days................
Approaching Black Rock Point and Black Rock Hot Springs:


Love this shot.

Looks like a great time and various amounts of brew were enjoyed ;)
DD did a good job posting some nice photos and hints at stories.
Anyone else care to unburden themselves? :p
Good stuff. You guys are killing me, from 2,600 miles away.

One of these days..........

Wheres the rest of the story? How was the weahter? Other people out there? Hunters? Traffic? Dust?
Weather was just about perfect, though silvertip's knee did accurately fortell a brief sprinkle on Sunday morning. Fortunately, it was not enough to wet the playa, but a few of us woke up because of it. Hunters were at soldier meadows, but they left the morning we got there. Here's a few more:

Examining DD's new rig:

K6ON explaining why that bright thing in the sky was so scary:

The mighty Tundra camped off by itself. The Dodge's and Ford's would have nothing to do with it. Their loss!
The gang following me, our fearless navigator :rolleyes: , into the unknown:

DD figuring out what to do next at our lunch break:

And Saturday's Sunset Over Tundra:
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