Off to the Owyhees

You are seeing some wonderful familiar country. Thanks for sharing your journey! We are looking forward to more. :)
I am enjoying your reports. Nice country to knock around in. We like those hashbrowns in the little milk cartons too. :)
+1 on the milk carton hashbrowns. A few of the Costco Bacon Bits tossed into the hashbrowns don't hurt my feelings either. Especially nice with some eggs over easy.

Dang! Now, I'm getting hungry. Breakfast for supper sounds good.


ps. Nice reports on the eastern Hawaii's too. ;)
We must have just missed you as we were there 10-19 and 20. Rained out at Succor Creek. I believe we have met you at the BLM/CCC Campground near Hart Mountain. We were the retired couple with the Hallmark. I enjoyed reading parts of your journal and agree about the cubicle constraints. That is probably why I love the open spaces of the west and boondocking. My husband was the same: once he graduated from tech school as a machinist, he was offered a cubicle at Boeing making widgets. The interviewer said that one day he could move up to a larger one. He turned down the job. Thanks for sharing your adventures and campsites. We have stayed at the same ones or near by. The photo you have looking north toward the Succor Creek campground of the Boondock Spot is where we stayed a few years ago when we were lost and it was pouring rain and thundering. Maybe we will meet again.
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