Oh-oh, now what?


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Dec 27, 2006
East of Sacramento
After moving a couple months ago and being in the middle of selling the M-I-L's house and buying a new one for her near us, our camping opportunities have been limited lately. So when we got a chance to do a quick one night trip, we ran up to Monitor Pass to escape the valley heat. We got the usual afternoon thunderstorms with lots of lightning, hail, and rain. It cleared up and by 7:30 we were able to sit outside again.
In the morning we stopped at Heenan Lake for a short hike as we headed down the hill. We noticed the lack of traffic but figured it was due to the smoky conditions and being a Sunday morning. Then we got to the bottom of the pass and it became clear why we weren't seeing anybody else.


Turns out there was a mudslide on the eastern side of the pass, so Caltrans closed the road. No cell service. We asked somebody to call CHP or Caltrans when they got service. Only had to wait about an hour.
Casa Escarlata Robles Too said:
Ted that's kind of a shocker.
I guess they didn't think anyone would be up on the pass.
How was Heannen? Did you see the eagle?
Hi Frank. We did not see any activity at the nest. Maybe it wasn't used this year? The rain and hail removed all tire, human, and animal tracks. So we were hoping to find fresh bear tracks but only found coyote and deer tracks. So none of our usual sightings there.
Thanks Ted.We have found over the years that the nest doesn't seem to get regular use.
We really did enjoy fishing from the canoe,during the season and watching the eagles.
Only saw a bear there once many years ago and that was during a year that had a big
fish kill due to low water.
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