Old Petroglyphs

Pretty cool. Hard to believe somebody was around that long ago to make these, while in the now modern world we have excellerated changes to earth in our own way.... What's next and how will it all turn out?
FYI-The rock art that was once the oldest petroglyphs (the ones BillC found in Oregon years go) were found on boulders under what was identified as the Mount Manzama ash line. You could actually see the ash line on the boulders when they removed the dirt and the rock art was under the line-now that's cool because we knew the date that the volcano blew (several thousand years ago), so they knew that they had to be at least that old. I have not had a chance to actually see the ones that Gene identified, but when this information first came out last year, I thought that if Bill knew about them and Gene verified their age, it must me true. More info has come out since then too. Sorry if it sounds like I'm name dropping, I don't mean too, I've just know three of them for along time and I trust what they say. A few months ago we spent some time here describing how hard it is to say what really went on during the human history of last 20 thousand years here in the New World; most of the physical things associated what with people did have long been destroyed, so frequently,trying to understand things are more like educated guesses.

Today because of Indian gambling and the $ associated with it, you have to be real careful when you try to associate rock art (& other things too like land and other resources) to a specific group of Indians. In reality, it is almost impossible to tie any rock art to a specific named group of people without a specific time bench mark that relates to both. For example if we found certain artifacts in the same dirt under the Manzama ash line in direct association with the boulders, we could say they were possibly in association with them. Then if you could then date the artifacts themselves by chemical or other means to a similar date, then you could be pretty sure of their age and if we had specific data that said a certain group was there at that time, and used that tool, then the connection could/might be made. It's sort of like being a time detective of sorts. As I have said before in other threads, archaeologists, by training have to be conservative when you are dealing with what was happening (or could have happened) thousands (or hundreds or even yesterday) of years ago. So when anyone asks me how old that rock art is, and who made it and what it was used for, you will probably get general sort of an answer; that is, :) unless I really do know allot about those specific types. History and culture sure a fun to study, and cuss and discuss.

Thanks,way cool info.
There are carvings above the railroad tracks in Chiloquin,Or.
They are high up on the cliff but can be seen from the road/trail that runs along the rails.
The road is the one that goes to the "Lonesome Duck Resort".
We stayed there 7 years ago with friends and found them on a morning walk.
If I remember right they are like the Pyramid Lk.carvings.
Thanks for sharing.
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