Olympian Heater Install

Here is a good deal:http://www.adventurerv.net/olympian-wave-catalytic-safety-heater-p-1679.html

$209 for a Wave 3. I'm going to stay with my furnace for now since I seem to have gotten it quieted down. I have batteries and solar to keep it charged.
Here is a good deal:http://www.adventurerv.net/olympian-wave-catalytic-safety-heater-p-1679.html

$209 for a Wave 3. I'm going to stay with my furnace for now since I seem to have gotten it quieted down. I have batteries and solar to keep it charged.

Yup, that's where I got mine.
Homemade, check these links:

Thanks Scott,

It is curious that the commercially available tank bracket doesn't list any dimensions, there certainly isn't much to it. I'll just make my own with some steel bar and a little welding.

Regarding cost, Amazon seems to have the best price at $192 with free shipping but they might be backordered right now. Mine hasn't arrived yet.

I think I'll get a Manchester 10# tank at HomeDepot, it is more expensive than a 20# tank but not as wide so it won't stick out as much. One RV parts site listed the wave 3 fuel consumption at 1/8# per hour (they don't say if high or low setting) so the 10# tank should last long enough.
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