Oregon Backcountry Discovery Route


Gone Traveling
Aug 21, 2015
So. Oregon
I'm leaving, probably Saturday the 21st, to drive the OBDR Route 5 (OR to WA), or at least those parts that are passable in a full-size truck. http://www.oohva.org/OBCDR/route5.html

I'd like to know if anyone has fishing spots they'd recommend. I'll be taking some hunting and fishing stuff and would like to spend at least part of each day knocking down some birds, or maybe reeling in some trout using ultra-light gear. Suggestions on off the beaten path spots would be much appreciated.
I envy you. I saw the video and hope to get out west one day soon. After your trip send me a PM on how it went ....places to avoid. I have a Tacoma with an Eagle. Good luck and keep the rubber side down.
Will do. We've gotten a lot of winter weather over the last week, so I'm not sure if most of what I want to do will be passable or not. I'm hoping to hit it at tail end of the "season" for getting through. If nothing else I'll use some easier re-routes when I have to but keep to the trail as much as possible.
Well, I went to bed last night with clear skies and woke up to this:

So I turned around at that point to look for a workaround. Based on local reports I chose to ditch the trail at that point, about halfway through. Made it to Delintment Lake (which was frozen over).

I would skip this spot. Beautiful area, but the rocks between Christmas Valley to Riley take hours:

Yikes... snow I can handle... but the "rocky road" looks like a bushwhack ! Never know what you'll find on a trip. I came to a beaver dam across the road in Maine after driving in 60 miles... turning around at times is the smart thing to do. I suppose this year may be different but is this trip usually passable this time of year? Peace and quiet is worth the effort.
People usually don't start the trip this time of year. You could title the trip, "Ace!'s Folly." No one I told thought it was a good idea, due to timing. My original plan was to do it next year with the kids, probably in June, but I just got the Hawk and the wife gave me a pass on going to the in-laws for Thanksgiving, which gave me a week alone.

By the time I got radio or cell phone reception yesterday the forecast was worse weather on its way. Not having been on the trail before, I wasn't sure what to expect around the next corner and I thought I was actually a couple days ahead of the weather. They closed the highway for a short time after I got through (on my way home) due to weather related accidents and most of the rest of the highways are under a "severe weather hazard" in that part of the state today. What that means for the trail, which is off the beaten path, I expect it's impassable right now. I will say, the camper held up well and kept me plenty warm in the 20-degree weather. In fact I wasn't even thinking about how cold it actually was until I drove up to where I wanted to camp and got out to go fishing and the lake was frozen over. I think the Hawk is the perfect truck camper for me.

I'll go back next year though and have a sort of educational field trip with the kids.
Happened to me once... canoe on truck... drive to great fishing pond. When I arrived I was so focused on the job of getting the canoe off I didn't look around. Some locals at their cabin smiled and said a man's hello... kept smiling.... I got the canoe off and carried it to the lake.... nearly walked onto the lake... frozen solid. The guys ...just smiled and waved again... what a hoot ...another 'flat lander' come up for fishing. I skulked away.
I will hopefully hear about next years trip.... best of luck.
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