Our Backyard Again! - October 2018

I didn't even realize the Strawberry road changed names. Any idea why its named Showers Lake?
Thank you for sharing your hike with us. I burst out laughing this morning when I read...

"......I told a story about the old days. I'm a geezer now. It's easier and easier to fall into that habit as the years pile up. I got interrupted about a third of the way into the story because they both had heard it before...."

I'm glad I'm not the only one who repeats my stories...
Sure is nice having such a great backyard isn't it? Enjoyed that! But you are right---where is the snow-isn't it time for it?

Pretty country, we need to spend more time up there.

I never repeat my stories, ever. Don't listen to my wife, she knows not of which she speaks.
Why is it we can remember the stories but not who we already told them to? :cautious: Been there, :) Beautiful country. Thanks for the report.

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