Our first trip to Death Valley


Dec 10, 2006
Well, it was our first trip to DV. I am envious of you folks that can get there in less than 2 days! DV is pretty amazing and I would check out every sq inch if it were close. It is a 'mysterious' place in that it doesn't give up its secrets easily. Rangers lie to keep people out with tales of "closed" or "rough" roads that are totally passable. You just need to be a little adventurous and check things out for yourself.

Anyway, we came in through Furnace Creek on day 1, ended up at Mesquite. Then to the Panamint City and Ballarat area, checked out Lee Flats on Day 2. Day 3 got us all the way to the Racetrack, where we camped two miles passed it, then to the crater the next day and eventually camped just outside the south border of the park near Ibex. Lots of driving and exploring. Titus was closed due to the recent weather unfortunately, but we hiked it a little.

I'll save you the standard photos, since everyone posts stunning ones. Instead, I've been playing around with time lapses. There are several of sunsets from various camps, but the winner is the 4th video below. This one I shot at sunrise at the Racetrack.
A short sunset from Mesquite
(it helps to change it to HD 1080 in lower right corner)

This is the sun setting on the Panamint Range (again HD helps):

This one is a little longer. I shot this over almost 45min and compressed it to 19sec. Looking west from the Ballarat area. HD recommended.

And finally. Something no one has witnessed before: how the rocks actually move at the Racetrack. I may be the first to have ever caught this on camera! Shot this at sunrise. You'll want to switch it to HD 1080 for sure:

Well, it was fun to shoot- and we didn't actually touch the rocks, but saw a bunch of kids doing so the day before.
All that washboard did cause a couple of casualties. Something shifted in the camper and put a tear in my screen door. The knob that opens/closes the fan fell off. And I noticed a several screws started backing out of the camper! Three or four screws that hold the skin to the frame backed out about half way. Didn't lose any, but still. And my Toyota survived just fine except for one casualty: the plastic engine cover broke loose. I didn't even notice until we got home and I heard the rattle at low speed/stops. Couldn't hear it on the highway. Not a big deal, so I'm happy. But man, Racetrack Road is some pretty severe washboard! I had to try to keep the speed up and it felt like doing a Baja race.
Brett13, Death Valley is such an incredible place. Thanks for sharing your report and the time lapse video are very nice! Washboard and screws backing loose, oh how that brings back the memories!
Good lookin trip, enjoyed the time lapses. Glad you finally got to experience the mystery of the valley of death.
What's wrong with #4?

What do you mean? Works fine for me.
Maybe he's referring to Stew's comment.

Neither read the spoiler tag then: we didn't touch any rocks- it just looks that way because the time lapse happens so fast. But we did see a bunch of kids moving rocks the afternoon before and even a few footprints in the playa. Some people have no respect.
I have yet to travel to Death Valley myself, although it is has been one of my must do trips; just like King Lear out on the eastern side of the Black Rock Desert, and half Dome in the offish season. Since I have graduated from a tent to a four wheeler, maybe this year...
Love the time lapse, I'm shooting with a 50D and just purchased a Timer Remote Controller to time lapse myself. I'm just blown away when I see any time lapse clips.
Love the time lapse, I'm shooting with a 50D and just purchased a Timer Remote Controller to time lapse myself. I'm just blown away when I see any time lapse clips.

I get a kick out of time lapse too. Get a giant memory card though! I'm learning to get the exposure right on manual settings, otherwise if the camera auto-exposes, you can get weird effects. The longer the time lapse and the wider the variation in light levels, the harder it is to get the exposure right for the whole time lapse. Consistent light makes it easy. Sunsets/sunrises are harder.

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