Overcharge Alarm on National Luna


New Member
Jul 22, 2019
Denver, Colo
Total Nooby here. I bough at real nice set up last year and am slowly learning how everything works. Part of the setup includes a dual battery system. And please forgive me if I'm not describing everything correctly.
I had to remove the batteries recently so I took a photo of how the cables were arranged and put them all back in the same way. But now, once I take the truck into the sun and the solar panels are able to make some power, the Overcharge alarm on my National Luna Dual Battery Controller starts to go off. And the top 4 green lights flash. It'll stop, then start then finally stop after a while. I can also silence it for a bit by holding the alarm off button for a few seconds. But it starts again.
First, I don't want to damage my battery and second, it's annoying. Obviously something is wrong but I can't figure out what. I'm guessing something happened when I put the batteries back. Could this be caused by a blown fuse?
Any help is appreciated. And one more thing that seems weird to me. If I move the controller to maybe get a better look at it, I hear a knocking sound coming from under the hood. It's just a single knock.
Not being familiar with your camper solar system wiring or how the truck is wired into the charge system, I will offer this. Go back and methodically checked all battery connections, be sure all is correct. check to see the batteries are wired correctly in parallel and NOT in series(24volt). The knock or click under the hood could be a charge relay, reverse polarity protection cut out.
re-check that everything is like it was in the pictures. Post the pictures for us to look at, and take another set with the setup as it is now.

Agree with Beach that the "knock" is a relay.
Thanks for the advice. I'm still working on this and yesterday was the first warm day that I was able to be outside and spend some time with it. But the alarm decided not to activate at all so I was having trouble testing anything. I'll start connecting and reconnecting as recommended. And I looked at the photo and everything is exactly the same.
Thanks again.
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