Part 1 of 3 TR-All over the map


Senior Member
Feb 3, 2011
Bellingham, WA
Greetings from the PNW. We returned home a few weeks ago and I have part 1 completed on my Wordpress blog. I didn't write a diary as I usually do so had to do some research to refresh the details. I do mark our route with a felt pen so I can remember the route and mark the campsite number when we use one. And, I have the photos from the Nikons and iPhone. Most of the photos are iPhone5 which is much easier to use in a hurry than the big boys.

States visited: WA/OR/ID/WY/CO/UT/NV/CA. National Parks/Monuments/NWA/NRA: Crater Lake/Flaming Gorge/Dinosaur/Hart Mountain Antelope Refuge/Mono Lake/Lunar Crater/Great Basin, etc. State Parks: Succor Creek/Fogerty Creek/Cascadia/Cape Meares/Cape Disappointment/Beverly Beach/Humbug/Dosewallips, etc. Mostly state highways (97, 101, 93 140, etc.), county roads, BLM and USFS roads, and the dreaded freeways: I-80, I-84/I-86 and a short jaunt on I-15. A few close calls (people passing on blind curves and hills, a falling tree and thrown rock. We added lots of photos, rocks and memories.

Thanks for looking. I will try to finish the remainder in the next few weeks.

Happy trails.
Really enjoyed following your travels and looking at the pics in Part One. Bummer about the camper roof not lifting. Looking forward to the rest of the TR.
Great part 1.Reading your story brought back memories from years of trips on some of the same routes you have taken and some new ideas for our trips.
Know what you mean about the interstates,but sometimes that is the only way to get to point A to point B.
Anxious for the rest of the story.
Your mention of Rock Springs Wy.brought back a memory of when we stopped there for the night back in 1976.We pulled into town I was driving my Shelby GT 350 cross country and as we entered town it seemed every kid in town wanted to race me.The motel we stayed at was the high spot,or should I say the scary spot.The whole interior was done in the gray undercoating the "spatter paint stuff"something to see.Left the next morning as early as we could get out the door.
We always laugh about that place.
Thanks for sharing and the memories.
We too have been in some of those same areas many years ago. Fun to see the pictures. Looking forward to the rest of your report.
I will try not to disappoint. I now have an incentive to complete the "rest of the story".

You would not recognize Rock Springs, WY now unless you have been there recently. It is an oil boom town now and there are probably the same dudes who wanted to race you all grown up plus the newer crop of transplants for the jobs. Truckers hauling oil rig and refinery components travel I-80 making for a hairy drive when those famous winds blow. I would hate to travel that freeway when the cold winds and snow blow across the wide open spaces. That said, Western Wyoming is stunningly beautiful from my research, not even including Yellowstone/Tetons. Next year's trip.

I have been reviewing photos (close to 2000 and honkin' big files from D800 even using lossless compressed and 12 bit) and trying to choose the ones that captured the emotion I felt while surrounded by all that gorgeous scenery. I am glad that I was born in the west to wander the west. My favorite place was Lunar Crater in Nevada. No one for miles and sunset/sunrise was incredible. I also like the Black Rock Desert playa for sheer stark beauty. These places have very few people and we like it that way. We only spent a day and night at each so we will revisit because they were so special.
I enjoyed this, keep them coming :) and ain't owing these things worth it-when they work, which is why we carry tools. Got you next trip planned yet and being 60 and over does make a difference!


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