Pellisier Flats of the White Mountains


The Weatherman
Site Team
May 24, 2010
Bend, Oregon
Have any of you ever hiked/explored the area of the White Mts called Pellisier Flats? I haven't...yet. But it's a feature I've considered/admired/yearned for (
) on topo maps and in distant views from the west and east below -- ever since my first visit to the Whites years ago.

It's between 12,000 - 13,000 feet high -- a relatively flat area that starts about 7 miles north of White Mt Peak (which is already several miles north of the end of the road/locked gate), so it's pretty remote. I guess I could also get there from below, on the west or east...just 8000 feet uphill.

Something about a flat area (relatively speaking) that's way high seems cool to me, for some reason...not sure why....there's a fantastic view, of course...seems like it might be a wild place to backpack to and camp for a couple of nights. Wander around...etc.

So, anyone know anything about this area?

(elevations are in meters at this map scale)
I can tell you that if you are in a sailplane it kicks off some serious thermals that will get you set for heading farther east. :D

Thanks Cort...I'll keep that in mind...

Anybody have experience with ground-based tours of this area?
Sorry, Mark, I've never been there, only to White Mt Peak to the south and Boundary Peak to the north. The Flats do look interesting though.
Sorry, Mark, I've never been there, only to White Mt Peak to the south and Boundary Peak to the north. The Flats do look interesting though.

Mark, you got me interested in this too. Now I'm off to google earth. I'm with Stew on explorations/adventures in the White Mountains: White, Montgomery, and Boundary (couple of times). Thanks for the tip!
I've been up White Mt. Peak, but I haven't been up Boundary or Montgomery. Seems like I should at least do Boundary since it's Nevada's highest point.

Those Flats intrigue me 'cause I bet they don't get much visitation... Since they're not a peak to be bagged, few people will bother with the long hike required.
Have any of you ever hiked/explored the area of the White Mts called Pellisier Flats? I haven't...yet. But it's a feature I've considered/admired/yearned for (
) on topo maps and in distant views from the west and east below -- ever since my first visit to the Whites years ago.

It's between 12,000 - 13,000 feet high -- a relatively flat area that starts about 7 miles north of White Mt Peak (which is already several miles north of the end of the road/locked gate), so it's pretty remote. I guess I could also get there from below, on the west or east...just 8000 feet uphill.

Something about a flat area (relatively speaking) that's way high seems cool to me, for some reason...not sure why....there's a fantastic view, of course...seems like it might be a wild place to backpack to and camp for a couple of nights. Wander around...etc.

So, anyone know anything about this area?

View attachment 11347
(elevations are in meters at this map scale)

Hi Mark,
I was up along the east side of this area this past fall bowhunting. My friend and his son drove up from San Diego. We accessed the area from Nevada and up Chiatovich Creek. Took the FWC up Chiatovich road quite far until it narrowed to the width of an ATV, nonetheless I pressed on until the cowboy camp along the creek. I have many scratches on the truck and lost some of the roof rack bars to prove it. Then we walked a mile or two past the Cal/Nev border and continued up another 1500 feet or so. We did not get up to the flat and had already walked much farther than I would have wished to carry out a deer. It is very pretty country. We saw a few cattle and USFS does issue grazing permits. Access from the north end of White Mountain Rd might also be a good way to the flat.
Dave H
Mill Valley, CA
06 Hawk FWC, 05 F150
Hi Mark,
I was up along the east side of this area this past fall bowhunting. My friend and his son drove up from San Diego. We accessed the area from Nevada and up Chiatovich Creek. Took the FWC up Chiatovich road quite far until it narrowed to the width of an ATV, nonetheless I pressed on until the cowboy camp along the creek. I have many scratches on the truck and lost some of the roof rack bars to prove it. Then we walked a mile or two past the Cal/Nev border and continued up another 1500 feet or so. We did not get up to the flat and had already walked much farther than I would have wished to carry out a deer. It is very pretty country. We saw a few cattle and USFS does issue grazing permits. Access from the north end of White Mountain Rd might also be a good way to the flat.
Dave H
Mill Valley, CA
06 Hawk FWC, 05 F150

Thanks for the input, Dave.
I hope the cows don't wander up to the crest -- that would spoil it a bit.
Or it might give me the opportunity for a fine BBQ up there...if I could take one down with my bare hands and Leatherman.

Question for Marc@XPCamper: You've now "done a pig in the forest"; have you ever done a cow on a ridgecrest?
I've been up White Mt. Peak, but I haven't been up Boundary or Montgomery. Seems like I should at least do Boundary since it's Nevada's highest point.

Boundary Peak is indeed the highpoint of NV but it's just a ridge of a mountain in CA. If you've done Wheeler Peak in GBNP, then you've done the highest mountain in NV, the real highpoint. That's my thinking, anyway. In anycase, it is an interesting hike up Boundary, with great views, and you might get lucky and see the large herd of wild horses that lives in the area.
Boundary Peak is indeed the highpoint of NV but it's just a ridge of a mountain in CA. If you've done Wheeler Peak in GBNP, then you've done the highest mountain in NV, the real highpoint. That's my thinking, anyway. In anycase, it is an interesting hike up Boundary, with great views, and you might get lucky and see the large herd of wild horses that lives in the area.

Yeah, I agree that Wheeler -- which I've climbed a couple of times -- is the highest full mountain. And it is kinda lame for Nevada's highest point to be just a shoulder of a higher peak in California...nevertheless, I can't yet say I've been to the highest point in Nevada.
But I don't really care about that -- not a peak-bagger -- nor a high-point-bagger.
But I don't really care about that -- not a peak-bagger -- nor a high-point-bagger.

Since you have been to the top of White Mt, Wheeler Peak, and Mt Jefferson, you are at very least a PEAK-BAGGER, Mark. Ain't no way around that. If you are even slightly interested in getting to the highpoint of NV, you might even be considered a highpointer.

As for me, I'll bag anything high, low, or in between--especially if I've never been there before.
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