Phone scam

Casa Escarlata Robles Too

C'est la vie
Site Team
Oct 16, 2009
monterey bay area
Just a heads up there is a phone scam going around.

The caller starts by telling you some of your accounts will/have been frozen,and that fraudulent activity
has been done to your account.No mention of any names on accounts.

In my case,calls started with my Social Security account had some fraudulent activity,then another call stated my I cloud account has the same activity,I don't even have an I cloud account.

Then you are told to call their number or the within a half hour the police will be at your door with a warrant.A couple days later and still no cops at my door.

Never is there a mention of my or my wife's name.They don't have specifics of your accounts but
want you to furnish them.I never actually talked to anyone just listened to the threats.

I notified the SSA site and filed a report with the telephone numbers of the callers.

Knowing this was a scam I just ignored the calls and blocked them from my cell phone.

This isn't a new scam. My sister went through this a few years ago.
It really shook her up.She called the police and reported the numbers.
Turned they had other people with the same calls.

Remember your accounts don't call you like this.
This is a pure "Fishing Scam"
Be careful out there.
Good reminder.

I used to worry about my elderly father being scammed by this kind of thing. He once recounted a call he got one weekend. It was concerning suspicious activity on our version of social security and would he provide some personal info, etc.

So Dad says, "Oh, so you're calling from the government ?"

"Yes sir, that's right"

"Well, since when does the government work on Sundays". And bangs down the phone.

Good 'ol pops. Slowed down a lot, but but when it came to being ripped off, he stayed quick on his feet. :D
That’s funny! Yup, got a voicemail on our house phone (we don’t ever use it anymore) from an Officer “so and so” of the IRS telling us that if we didn’t return his call within 24 hours our bank accounts and all assets would be frozen and a warrant issued for our arrests. I worry about my elderly mother but so far she has fended off the “hi grandma, I’m stuck overseas and need money” scam before.
We don't have a land line and I don't answer unknown callers on my cell. Unfortunately, my 38 year old work phone still gets daily telemarketers. I just set down the handset as soon as I figure out who they are and let them carry on until they realize I'm gone.
The calls I received were on my cell.
On our land line I just let the answering machine take care of it.
This type of scam can really take elderly folks hard.
When you hear that your accounts are frozen and no Social Security check
coming it can be a shock.
Keep vigilant .
A favorite one that was used on the Lady's 92 year old father goes like this. The elderly person is greeted with a young voice that says "Grandpa." It is an automatic reaction to reply with your granddaughter's real name because you are happy to hear from her. Now the scammer has the name and can role play. In my father-in-law's case, he was told she had just been picked up on a drug charge and needed bail. My father-in-law told her to call me and she should already have the number. His mind, thankfully was quite sharp.
Good one ski3pin. My mom put the fake caller on hold, called my nephew (her grandson) in San Francisco, had a good laugh with him, then told the caller on hold “sorry my dear, but you’re SOL”, followed by the click of the hang up.
A while back I got a call from medical alert device marketer. While he was going on with his speal I set the phone down and went on with my day. When I finally hung up the phone an hour later he called back and said we had been disconnected for some reason. I told him I had fallen and couldn't get up. He became very upset and wanted to call authorities. Not wanting the sheriff to show up at my door I told him I was just with him and take me off his list.
I take great joy in messing with these dirt bags whenever possible. I figure the longer I keep them on the line it is likely one (or more) less scam call they have the opportunity to make in the day. Adding some frustration to their day is of course the primary reason.
I love it.These scums call you trying to get everything out of you.
You hit back at them and they tell you "we will call the cops".
My response is,go for it. I'll be here waiting for the cops.

This is my phone you called ,I didn't call you.

Years ago before there was a no call list,I was getting
calls at dinner time.On one call I asked the caller for their number so I could call
them back during their dinner time.Line went dead just crickets on the other end.

My little buddy, Barking Spider, has a wicked sense of humor. One morning "Frank from Windows" called. We all must know Frank who wants to gain access into your computer. Barking pretended he was in a nursing home and, of course he wanted more windows in his room so he could see out. The conversation went on with Frank still wanting to know if Barking had a computer. Barking called for the nurse. Now he was playing two roles, the loony patient and the nurse who was diligently trying to remember if Barking even had a computer and if so, find it. The story will bring tears to your eyes the way Barking tells it.
For some of the most clever, hilarious, successful, and effective "scambaiting" players you'll ever find, tune in to the fun at the website 419eater dot com. Those folks have raised messing with scam callers to an art form.

The guys over at Pirate are pretty good also. If you're an unknown number I don't answer. Better leave a message.
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