My 01 Hawk's liner had/has a few defects I think would fall into the category of 'pinholes'. Some were due to flexing, some to abrasion, some to a manufacturing issue.
Flexing: One defect was a 1/4" horizontal slit in the liner at the driver-side front corner in the deepest part of the fold that forms when the top is lowered. Three were small holes in each of three lower corners, where the liner meets the hard-side wall and the material bunches a bit there. These are very small tears, two I'd call 'pinhole' in size, the third 'icepick hole' in size. I fixed all these on a nice hot day with an artist's brush and Performix VLP vinyl repair adhesive right out of the tube and then touched them up with a gray permanent marker pen. The VLP seemed to work quite well where the fabric is close together and the VLP can 'melt' it together. But less so where it has to bridge a gap. I tried bridging the largest with very small pieces of Tear-Aid before applying the VLP but the bunching of the fabric made that impractical.
Abrasion: I somehow acquired a new one this Fall out in the middle of the liner, between my driver-side windows. It's not quite through the fabric but I see light. I can't remember doing it but it appears I touched it with a sharp edge as I was moving something. I see a track leading into it.
Manufacturing issue: I have the old-style windows with an external storm flap. When light's just right I see lots of pinholes where the fabric is sewn through. I also see 1/4" horizontal slits up high under the flap, one on each of the velcro strips. I've not noticed any leaks there but painted them (the slits) inside and out with VLP on an artist's brush and touched them up with color so my eye isn't drawn to the light coming through.