Portable kitchen

Wandering Sagebrush

Free Range Human
Site Team
Nov 17, 2013
Northeast Oregon
I saw this kitchen in a Business Insider article. It shouldn’t be too hard to make, but the article said you could buy one for just $1000.


Nomad Kitchen
The Overlanding market for products has exploded since Jonathan and Roseanne had their first Overland Expo. New products appear almost daily in my inbox. Each new issue of Overland Journal has articles or ads for products that are completely new to me; and I've been subscribing for years.

All this is good IMO. But, it begs the question, is the market getting over-saturated with overlanding product duplication? How many ways can you reinvent the wheel?

I learned in the Marine Corps that the way you pack your gear (or truck/camper) will be totally contrary to my preferred method. I'm LH so I may want things oriented totally opposite to a RH person.

So I tend to resist jumping on rigid/fixed products like the above drawer system unless I get to demo it for at least several days.

We have purchased gear that allows us to live and cook outside of our FWC Hawk. Unless the weather is miserable, the camper is first and foremost our bedroom. I can probably count on 2 hands meals I have cooked inside during the past 5 years of ownership. But, I will put the Moka pot or tea kettle on the inside burner first thing in the morning if the weather is cold and/or miserable.

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