
King Taco
Sep 9, 2007
Oxnard, CA.
I had two weeks off for Christmas, the co-pilot unfortunately only had one. There was a mediocre swell showing on the charts, hmmm…what to do? Stick around and battle the crowds at the local spots or bail to Baja? This is definitely a rhetorical question. Baja is the main reason I bought my camper anyway, so with about a day and a half of prep I was off.

I usually leave home late the night before I cross and flop in Chula Vista for an early go the following morning. I had some last minute things to do on Sunday and as things have it I was ready to go well before I had planned, so why wait? I may as well get as many miles behind me as I can. I left the ‘Nard at 11:00 am and was across the border by 2:15 pm and in El Rosario by 7:00 pm having tacos. I had already broken my rule of diving at night in Mex but after a leisurely dinner I figured it was only one more hour a nice, remote desert camp site. For those of you who know this long, dark stretch I was really glad to have my KC’s to helping me out. I found my usual spot and was popped up by 9:30. Beat from a long day behind the wheel and with the coyotes singing me to sleep, I was out in no time.

Up at daybreak, a beautiful Baja sunrise and the smell of wet desert in the morning.




With a hot cup of Joe in my hand I was off for the easy 2.5 hour journey to the coast…or so I thought.



I knew they had gotten some rain in Baja and it was evidenced by some of the muddy vehicles I passed while driving down. Not long into my drive I was to found out just how much rain they received, this was not going to be a fun drive. 50 miles of this was not exactly what I was looking forward to. I did not take pics of the worst stretches as I was too focused on navigating through the ruts.




Two hours in and only half way to the coast, ugh…just look at my tires. Moondust and rain are a bad combo, I pretty white knuckled it the whole way…wondering which one of these mud pits were going to gobble me up. I figured my trusty hound wouldn’t be much help with the digging if I got swallowed. Oh well, moral support is always nice.


In actuality it wasn’t that bad at all, just slow going. I realized that the bottoms of the holes where pretty solid but 4WD did get me out of a few sketchy predicaments.

And finally the coast. I stopped to leave some clothes and sunglasses with some fisherman I have visited previously. And also to procure some lobster…and maybe have a beer or two. Today I would have to work for it though.

Towing the boat out to the surf...



After beaching the panga I dragged it back above the high tide line. I shoulda took my camera but boarding a panga in the surf line and having to navigate 4 foot close out sets to get outside I figured it was best to leave it behind.

Our take for the day…you should have seen each of the traps when I pulled them up, L-O-A-D-E-D!



After making a delivery of bugs to a few guys camped about a half hour away I started making my way to my intended destination.

I should mention that when traveling most anywhere on the coast of Baja you will find yourself needing to navigate salt flats or marshes. You must also be mindful of extreme high tides as they alone can make them impassable. Factor that in with some rain and it is downright sketchy. We had both rain and near 7’ high tides. Bad sitch. And while talking to the fisherman he told me of two guys who were towing a trailer and were stuck for two days after the storm. First I ran into their hole, and later I ran into them and their snot covered jeep and trailer. They were surfing just before another crossing.

I decided to go for it…look at my tracks and you can see how far I went before chickening out. I got up on the ground cover and turned around. The other side of the salt marsh is beyond the far end of the beach in the photo.


My tires after the first attempt…


There is an inland road which I decided to try but I wanted to do some recon on first. I walked a half mile across it only to find series of mud pits 50-100 yards long, and that was only half way across. No thank you.

At this point I had been defeated. My only option was to return to the spot with the guys I delivered the bugs to, not exactly an A+ spot but you take what you can get sometimes. Room for one more guys?

I finally got a surf in, it was small but fun. Besides, the new swell was due tomorrow. Another long day. It seems you always have to work for it down there. Man was I hungry.


Sorry guys, but who’s it gonna be???




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***For the handful surfers on this board, I don’t normally post TR’s of my trips to this area but I have purposely not mentioned the common name of this region to thwart Google searches. Nor my ingress or egress points to this ~200 mile stretch of barren coast, this spot could be anywhere. Since this is not really a surf centric site I hope you don’t mind. There will be some landmarks shown but if someone has made it far enough to recognize them then they are already there. If this is one of your coveted spots, PM me and I’ll remove the pics.***

The next day brought the new swell right on time, me and three other guys. It was nothing special, about head-high on the sets but fun nonetheless. We all took turns, I pretty much surfed alone every session, 5-6 hours a day. Pure bliss.





And so it went for three more days until it was time to head home. The 3 guys left and four more showed up, 2 guys and their gals from Oregon. Turns out I had met one of them at a different spot few years previous, small world. Between surfs I explored the desolate beaches and hiked in the rocky headlands. Maybe had a cerveza or two.




This spot sits in a beautiful bay which looks like it would be great fishing, apparently the fishing sucks so I didn't even put my rod & gear together.




Finally it was time to make the long drive home for Christmas. After 5 days the road had soaked up a lot of the water, mud holes still existed but it was pretty much smooth sailing and dust free. The desert air smelled clean and everything was green.



How many types of desert plants and cacti can you identify in this shot?


And just when you think your all cool and tough in your four wheel drive rig this will come along...always a reminder of how most people get around in Baja... and they do just fine with out a bunch of bells and whistles...


We made it to San Quintin in about 7 hours after stopping for a much needed truck wash. We had a nice night at the dog-friendly Hotel Jardines and a hot shower. Then it was up at daybreak for the 11 hour push home via Tecate to avoid the Friday before X-mas border crossing mayhem in TJ.

Yes, the 5 & 405 sucked balls on what is probably the busiest driving day of the year, but it was worth it, I smiled the whole way home!

How many types of desert plants and cacti can you identify in this shot?


Uh ... boojum and cardon? And (soaptree?) yucca.

Sunni, thanks for discretely sharing your very cool adventures. Those desert shots, driving in, really got me. Wish we lived closer, since I would really enjoy this sort of trip.

Meanwhile we leave for Yelapa in three weeks and counting . . .
Great pics!!!! Yes, I recognize those surf spots. I emailed the link to this thread to my surfer son just to remind him of our trips there. Maybe he'll join us on a trip again.

Jay and I were in Vizcaino Peninsula with the same mud after a huge storm. It is stick stuff!
Meanwhile we leave for Yelapa in three weeks and counting . . .

Oh man, you guys are stoked! Hope to hear about it, that place looks so chill.
Great pics!!!! Yes, I recognize those surf spots. I emailed the link to this thread to my surfer son just to remind him of our trips there. Maybe he'll join us on a trip again.

Jay and I were in Vizcaino Peninsula with the same mud after a huge storm. It is stick stuff!


This was the result of jacking up the truck high enough to get the rear wheels off the muck and then pushing it off the jack to the left (about 5 times) until we finally were on solid enough ground to drive away. And the adventure continues.
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This was the result of jacking up the truck high enough to get the rear wheels off the muck and then pushing it off the jack to the left (about 5 times) until we finally were on solid enough ground to drive away. And the adventure continues.

This is exactly was i was hoping to avoid. That looks like a great Baja adventure right there!
This is exactly was i was hoping to avoid. That looks like a great Baja adventure right there!

It was the only time in 20 years I used the High Lift. I would like to think I'm now smart enough to avoid situations like that. Like my theory on snorkels - If you're in water over to your axles it's time to put it in "R"

Will you be joining us en la laguna?
I would like to but for us it will depend on spring break schedules. I want to take my step sons with me on this one! They've yet to go to Baja with us.
Pretty awesome Sunman, you've got your mex/surf trips dialed!

Plenty of room if you ever need a place to crash on your way through...
Awesome looking trip SunMan!! I am DIEING to do a trip down to Baja in our Hawk. My wife is way anti Mexico(watches too much TV news). We don't surf but love the ocean, adventure, kayaking and can keep secrets! Given the situation down there I'm not willing to go it alone but my goal is to tag along with someone who has it dialed some day....hint hint! ;) :D

Thanks for TR!
Yelapa, I googled it. Looks great. Something like Sayulita which is a place I've taken my son a few times surfing.

A palapa in Yelapa, is better than a condo in redondo!

Great TR Sunman! And let me tell you WTW'rs, that the version of that trip that was recounted to me (over an old wood bar, with old tequila), was nearly identical..Sunman your the real deal..

Look forward to some trip planning!


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