Preparing to Cross into Canada (at Beaver Creek) from Alaska - Sept 2021


Senior Member
Jan 31, 2008
Solvang, CA
We had a stressful day trying to get Covid tested in Anchorage and trying to properly fill out our Canadian entrance request on the ArriveCAN app.

It started following a well researched effort to locate a site that could provide test results within 72 hours to meest the Canadian entry requirement. We started by filling out an online form at the Covid Secure website and uploading our vaccination data. Then we made a trip over to the recommended Univ of Alaska Alaska (UAA) Alaska Airlines Center Parking lot for a Covid test at the mobile covid unit run by Capstone Clinic.

When we arrived they had temporarily shut down because high winds blew over their tent. They recommended that rather than wait while the were setting things back up that we should drive over to the Ted Stevens (Anchorage) International Airport and go the the Alaska Airlines baggage claim area to get a free rapid test.

So we drove over to the airport with our pickup trucks (and FWC Campers). After 3 times around the airport loop and one failed attempt at parking which took us to a parking structure, which was too low for our trucks with pop up campers to enter, we finally parked and walked (quite a way) to the baggage area only to find that due to all the recent new infections they had run out of rapid tests.

The folks at the rapid test station suggested that we go back to the University of Alaska test site. They said there was a national shortage of rapid tests and none were available anywhere within 100 miles of Anchorage due to the massive increqse in new infections. Ugh!

We drove back to the UAA Alaska Airlines Center test location. This time they were open and there were only three cars ahead of us so we got through pretty quick. They did a shallow swab (not a deep swab) of each nostril and sent us on our way (TMA test)

We then drove back to the hotel and set up accounts on the ArriveCAN app using our smart phones. We uploaded passport and vaccine info and answered a bunch of questions as well as provided the address for the RV park we would be staying in the first night after passing into Canada. We had to specify the date and time when we would be entering Canadca and it had to be within 72 hours of the Covid test.

For some unknown and frustrating reason none of us could save our information to the app and after three times going back though all of the questions again we all gave up.

I pulled up the web version on my computer and went through all the uploading and questions again. This time success.

We started this process after brunch, fueling up at Costco and picking up a set of tire chains for Ron's truck at about 1 PM. It is now 6:24 PM and Ron is just now finishing up thier arriveCAN application. Ours has been done since about 5:45 PM.


Now we hope that we will get the Covid test results back within the alloted 72 hours showing a negative result. If not we start the test process and application process over again.

If any of us tests positive (would have to be asymptomatic because none of us has or has had any symptoms) then we will have to quarantine for 14 days before attempting to coss into Canada again.

We are on an adventure. We have had very good luck with weather and a lot of fun so far. Only the day of sea sickness for Ron and Wendie a month ago on the ferry and the stressful day for all of us today have been low points. Considering we are on day 51 of our adventure that is pretty darn good.

The drive home will begin on Thursday morning and will likely take 10 days, assuming we go straight home with no layover days or side trips. I suspect Wendie and I may do a detour or side trip as long as the weather holds out so probably more than 10 days before we get home. I'm looking forward to the trip.
Thank you for sharing your experiences with the Canadian app. We were contemplating going to Newfoundland this fall but other things got in the way but the app did look a little “clunky”

Please keep us posted.
Our present plan, depending on weather, is to depart Anchorage tomorrow morning, Thursday, for Tok and spend the night in Tok crossing into the Yukon on Friday morning. Our planned route home, weather permitting, is the Alcan highway to Prince George then cross over to Jasper and Banff and down through Glacier National Park. Alternatively we would drive to the lower 48 via Cache Creek and cross over at Abbotsford (as we did in 2018).

Anchorage is seeing an early winter (which may be a fake out). It snowed down to the edge of the city Monday night. The higher parts of the highway between Palmer and Beaver Creek had a few inches of snow accumulation on the highway which is melting off today. We will see light snow in Tok Thursday night and perhaps in Haines Junction on Friday night. We should be getting into warmer temps and light rain part sun by the time we reach Watson Lake on Saturday. We are trying to hold the distance to around 300 miles a day to minimize driver fatigue and to maximize the chance to enjoy the beauty along the way. If weather (and the Canadian Government) allows we may layy over a day or two on the way home.
We still do not know how the Canadian border crossing is going to go (we do not have our covid test reults yet) and if we will be forced to drive more than 300 miles a day because of a limiytt on the amount of time allowed to transit Canada (I hope not).

We will adapt and endeavor to enjoy the journey.

P.S. I have talked to a number of long time Anchorage residents the past two days and none can recall a snow this early in many, many years. All think it is too early for winter and expect temperatures to warm up before winter actually sets in closer to the end of October (which is when they said winter typically sets in).

I suppose this should be in the trip reports section so I will start a new thread there. ;-)
We too had great trouble finding a test site that could get us results in 24 to 48 hours.

We traveled from Lewiston NY to Port Huron MI through Canada today, our second passage through Canada.

First off, forget about the pharmacies unless they specifically offer a "Rapid PCR" test (mostly found in very large urban areas); otherwise expect 4 to 6 days from pharmacies. The Vermont state sponsored fast test test sites are only for limited hours on limited days. None along I-91 from St. Johnsbury to Brattleboro were open on Sunday. Nor were any sites offering 24-48 hours in Greenfield, Amherst or Northampton MA on Sunday. The Monday to Saturday fast sites in Amherst and Northampton required a referral from your doctor!

On weekday mornings, from 7 am to 1 pm walk in sites at Holyoke Community College and at Greeenfield Community College were offering rapid tests. We got ours in Holyoke and the results were available 23 hours later. The next day we began our return journey

In Canada, most PCR test results are available within 8 to 24 hours - if only we could cross the border to get the test.

The ArriveCan app, which is required, I believe, is indeed clunky, and you have to reenter everything for each crossing, but it does make it quite smooth at the border. See for more info on filling out the app.

On the plus side, no long lines at the border. Along with the usual questions coming into Canada at Queenston, we had an interesting and enjoyable conversation with the border agent on other topics - there was no one in front or behind us.

We were informed yesterday that the US has a nation wide shortage of rapid PCR tests due to the significant increase in new Coivd infections (~93% of all new cases are in unvacinated people). The rapid test kits ran out last week everywhere in the greater Anchorage area and as far away as Tok.

The test results from Capstone Clinic are averaging about 48 hours at present. We are heading for Tok with the expectation we will have our results emaied before the 72 hour time window expires. Fingers crossed thhis works out. There are clinics in Glenallenadn Delta Junction that can do testing but it is unclear how long the results take. If things do not work out we may have to driv e back to Anchorage and start the process over. We hope not.

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