Previously it worth it?

I've had my sights on getting a new or "previously owned" camper somewhere around this time next year. I've been crawling around this site for while searching and just going page by page in the various forums here and asking a few questions. A shell is what I'd likely get due to budget if a used one can't be found.

I see what they are going for on craigslist. Conditions vary of course and the buyers willingness to take on a project. None of them seem to last long on CL or almost any other place so if a guy finds have to jump on it. And of course, you usually have to drive to go get it.

So the other day I had a used Grandby presented to just fell into my lap. It's 550 miles away and from the photos I've seen, it looks to be in good condition...owner says it's like new. It's got a lot more options than a shell has. The more I thought about it, the more I figure it would work....It may work better than a shell. It has the standard stuff in it with a few options. It seems to be on the high end price wise for a camper that is 8 years old. Sure, it's cheaper than new... a few thousand less than a shell and a few more less than a new Grandby.

So what does a guy do when it's not a screaming deal like what appears so many others seem to find? It's not a fixer upper either and for it's age and's probably better than average. It's been well care for. The more I think about it the more I like the idea of a few more ammenities. Maybe I'm over thinking it and should just go with one of my most used axioms..."it's only money and I'm making more everyday." :oops:
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