Procedure to Add Large Pictures to your Posts

RC Pilot Jim

Senior Member
Nov 19, 2010
San Diego Calif
As I read posts forum time to time I see thumbnails and know the poster wishes they knew steps to insert their own large pictures.

Ask "ski3pin" or "MarkBC". Both are on the Site Team that manage the website. There is a post that has directions just don't remember the location.
From memory (loosy-goosy at age 77)

Directions to add pictures:

First upload your pictures from your computer Photo folder
1. Go to your account/My Gallery
2 Click Upload
3. Create an album
4. Then upload your pictures into the appropriate albums and Give them each a Title. Click on my Avatar and review my gallery for ideas.

Steps to add them to your Post
1. Open a second WTW website window.
2. Locate the photo in your album second window
3. Left click (makes image bigger)
4. Right click - choose "Direct link to this image file":
5. Larger picture appears
6. Right click on the photo - Choose "copy Image address"
7, Go up to the menu on the "B" line Scroll over to "Image" Left click
8. Place link address into "image properties" Press ok and the below sample appears.


Pretty neat . Much better than a thumbnail.

Folks I met were always surprised to see a Tacoma with a camper (2012 Eagle improved shell) pulling a car (1987 Suzuki Samurai). And the truck brakes combined with downshifting and conservative driving easily handled stopping both. Missing both, however I still have my memories and pictures. More in my gallery.

Everyone Have a Happy Holiday and Happy New Year.
Couple of things about adding pictures. In the first section, #4. Is there a way to bulk upload? I've only ever been able to load one pic at a time. When adding pics, I make sure they are right side up too.

When inserting into a post, I just click on "My Media" in the post and find the pic, and copy that link into the post. There is no thumbnail or anything, and I can't see the post or pic until I post it and check to see how it looks. Is there a better way?
Vic, I’m not aware of bulk load in the WTW software, but I’m hoping for new forum S/W this late fall or winter. There is a pinned link for photo orientation, and I greatly appreciate you taking the time to get it right. Thank you!
ski3pin said:
Aren't you two having fun? :)
Yup :p. How did you know?

I forgot to mention this technique works for any photo (given you have permissions) on the internet. Just copy the image address and put that in the “Image Properties” box. Don’t copy the image itself, just the image address. I frequently link to my photos on Flickr.

This one is direct from my Flickr photo stream, as well as the backyard.
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