Project Report: Solar Install on a Fleet

Well, I received the Trimetric unit and have it all hooked up and working. I just need to mount it now. The little device is amazing!! It is super interesting to flip on switches to see how much draw is associated with each item. The LED lights draw almost nothing. I'm going to take notes on the actual draw of each item in my camper and post it here later for reference. Tonight I'm letting the fan run all night on low to see what % of the batteries remain in the morning.

UPDATE: The fan ran all night (12+ hours) and when I checked the Trimetric this morning it said the batteries were at 86% full.

When everything is off the CO/smoke/propane detector draws 0.1 amps.

I'm the same way. I like it, not sure I really need it. Perhaps will be more important when I can finally spend a week in one place.
I think that once you install a TriMetric that nothing less will be satisfactory any more. I grew up in Airstreams and they had various battery monitors, but none of them offered the simply conveyed amount of information that this meter does. They're not inexpensive, so its a big step. I don't think anyone who is interested or concerned about their camper batteries will regret installing one.
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