Propane $ - Costco

Bill D

Senior Member
Jan 7, 2015
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
I'm not sure about in the USA, but in Canada some Costco gas stations fill propane bottles. I just filled up a 10lb bottle today for $3.11 CDN or $2.43 USD. The other nice thing is they charge by the litre, where some places charge a flat rate even if the tank is half full. Your Costco policy may vary as I know the one in Victoria on Vancouver Island charges $5 for 10lb and $10 for 20lb.

Prior to Costco I had to pay over $20 to fill a 20lb bottle, $28 at one gas station.

I just thought I'd let members know that they may want to investigate Costco. At such low prices, I don't even consider my cost of propane usage. In fact the gasoline I burn to go get the propane is the only factor :) so I try to make it a worthwhile trip.
Costco is slowly adding diesel pumps to their fuel fill stations over time (loooong time),.....where they have room.
I believe that the Province of Alberta passed law saying that stations cannot charge per fill as opposed to volume. I always felt like I was getting shafted.

Costco Propane is practically free. It is one of their "lost leaders" along with their gasoline, cooked chickens, some brands of beer etc. They actually do not profit on some things or even loose money just to get you in the store!

.... and a GREAT return policy too!
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