
Mark W. Ingalls

Jun 19, 2007
Houston, TX
Over here Craig333 broached the subject of EarthRoamer XV-LT. Among their selling points (which definitely do not include affordability :eek:), they write, ... all systems powered either by batteries or diesel fuel.

This got me to thinking about reducing the number of power sources on my truck to batteries and propane. :thumb:

"A propane truck," you ask? Yikes! Well maybe it's not so farfetched... Roush offers an F150 with the bed full o'tank. These guys don't seem like shade tree mechanics, either: Campbell-Parnell.

Anyhow, just thinking out loud...
The're Already Doing It

They already have big city buses and delivery trucks that are propane powered, the size of the tank you have to carry makes it impractical on small vech. also you have a more limited range, I read somewhere that somebody is working on ways to further compress the gas, it will probably be part of the future Jon
I've thought about battery and diesel for my FWC... adding a 3rd fuel source is one of the main reasons I decided against a generator and went with larger batteries instead. The last thing I wanted to do was carry around an unleaded gas can... it would be nice to eliminate the propane and convert the fridge, stove and heater over to diesel. I suppose I should have bought a shell if I was going to do that! Oh well... like I need another project!
Most all the schwans delivery trucks have been powered by LP for years now. You can find them in SW minnesota pretty easy.
Here is what I've found...

In order to be legal, vehicle modifications have to pass a battery of tests. This is required for each model year. So given a LPG Crown Victoria that is certified doesn't apply to an F250, even if the engines are exactly the same. A certified F250 from 2005 doesn't apply to a a 2006 F250, either. In a sense, I understand this-- messing around with fuel delivery systems might create a danger to the public in more ways than just smog.

You can still purchase the equipment and install it on your truck. In many states, you will probably be able to keep your registration and insurance right up to the point where you get caught,e.g., when somebody crashes into you. I can only begin to imagine the ensuing (pun intended) legal trouble.

All that said, propane is obviously a viable alternate fuel. It is the third most common vehicle fuel in the US. In Europe, there are already more choices for legal dual fuel cars. Propane doesn't cause any where near the wear and tear on IC engines as does gasoline.

I am continuing to search for a legal aftermarket supplier for my truck.
The aftermarket motorfuel idea sort of flamed out. :rolleyes:

But then I got thinking about the wisdom of having a propane tank located inside the camper, held down by a flimsy 1/4-20 bolt and a wing-nut!

So, I decided to look into other places to mount a propane tank. Hey, how about bolting it to the truck frame?

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