PSA - stroke


Senior Member
Oct 23, 2012
PSA - Strokes: I got lucky. Had one last Wednesday morning with no residual effects. Got out of the hospital Saturday afternoon.

Stroke is the 5th leading cause of death for Americans and the #1 cause for long-term disability. There's no such thing as a minor stroke. Learned two of my friends, one from Navy days and one locally, had a stroke or TIA at much younger ages than I am now, 58. All my numbers have been good and have been exercising regularly. Once you have one, the risk of having another is increased.

Know the signs and don't ignore them. I believe I did. Listen to your body.

1) Sudden numbness or weakness of the face, arm or leg, especially on one side of the body; 2) Sudden confusion, trouble speaking or understanding; 3) Sudden trouble seeing or blurred vision in one or both eyes; 4) Sudden trouble walking, dizziness, loss of balance or coordination; 5) Sudden severe headache with no known cause.

Discharged from the hospital using low dose aspirin. Follow ups begin in a couple of weeks. Keep your numbers under control, get regular check ups, and don't lie to your doctor or yourself!

Safe travels,
John, glad you are doing well and best wishes for continued recovery. Thanks for the information for all of us to be aware of.

"and don't lie to your doctor or yourself!"

well said.
Good to hear you are doing well.
At our age it's good to listen to our bodies.

I keep thinking..."take care of yourself when you are young ,so you can take care of yourself when you get older".
It's a mantra we have been using around the "Casa" house for some time now.
It makes retirement work.
Keep well John.
If you are with someone and think they may be having a stroke have them stick out their tongue. If it is not straight and goes off to one side it is a good indication that they have had one. When my dad had his stroke years ago his speech was not altered even though he had had a massive stroke. Unfortunately no one was near to help until it was too late to use the clot buster drug. If in doubt go to the hospital. Better safe than sorry. Glad you are doing ok:)
Thanks for sharing with the group and positive outcome!

I like a couple of quick tips learned here:

Remember FAST


And best of all:
"and don't lie to your doctor or yourself!"


IMHO, the independent types who are on the WTW crew (pointing one finger at me and four at all of you :p ) tend to be male and never want to admit to weakness. Posts like yours and others reminds us of our mortality ( I am two years younger than you) and to get help early, not too late. Thank you.
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