Public service announcement: generators

Ramblinman said:
Ok I read this thread from the beginning. DD that's a low blow on the hunters. Starting the genny up any time other than peak hours is not cool. Don't mash us in with those that disrespect they neighbour. Like one poster said every sub group has those special people. Let's not lump em all in the same group. This June I frequented our provincial campsites, and with the screaming kids, quads, barking dogs, music, crying babies at 3 am, slamming doors and domestic disputes the generator was only a fraction of the noise pollution.

No body but no body is entitled to go into a public camp ground crammed with people and expect some solitude. Paying customer or not. When you pack people together there is gonna be some disagreements.

I don't use a genny - I manage to get by with the factory battery that came with my 2010 camper to power my 3 way fridge - no solar no compressor fridge required! That said if someone wants to load their camper their camper with 220 watts of solar I DONT CARE - I read the posts with interests - my point is we are all " power hungry" to an extent.

Starting your genny at 4am is a douche move - but the crying baby is just as disruptive - as are the early risers that slam their car doors at 7am.

That's public camp grounds. DD it's your fault for camping there

Sorry people that complain about generators in public camp grounds is my pet peeve. Please don't kick me off the forum. I spend more time on WTW then any other forum. You guys are great.

Rant off :)

I could not agree more Ramblinman.
I use a generator and I am also a hunter and a fisherman. I don't camp in Pay site campgrounds while hunting or fishing. I do use them but those have plugins for everyone. I took offence to DD's post and others. You guys go to a pay site to enjoy nature? Really?? DD and others,You're the "outdoorsman" for going to a pay site????? Really???
I spent the last week hunting. The closest neighbor we had was 3 miles away. I used my Generator ( a 2000 w Honda) in the evening to watch movies, have a little heat, plenty of light and charge battery's. The evening Generator use filled up the battery so I used battery only in the morning. Running out of power on a 10 day trip is not in my plans.
A lot of people go camping for different reasons. Some want a wilderness experience with tents. Some want to get away from home but still have home like atmosphere. Most of the time when I go camping I am either fishing, Hunting, or scouting. If you guys that hate generators so bad don't camp in pay sites. But if you pull in next to me and I am away from anyone don't bitch about my generator if you pull in where I am set up.
Ramblinman said:
DD refers to "these hunters" in a derogatory nature throughout his posts. Not cool. Unless he is a strict vegetarian he should not judge. Not all Hunters run generators, and all generators are not run by hunters. And yes hunters are outdoorsmen .... And conservationists .... And guardians of the forest .... I eat what I hunt. And I don't consider my self heathen ... There is a direct correlation to the amount of hunting - wild life management - to an increase in wild life populations.

Again your 100% right.
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