Quartzite AZ (and 'surroundings')


Senior Member
Mar 29, 2012
Yes, we know Quartzite itself is a zoo this time of year. But we'd like to see the spectacle. (Briefly) Let me share the context...

We're fleeing the cold and snow of Durango, CO and crave warmer climes. We've never explored SE Arizona so thought why not? Plus Sioux is an obsessed bird watcher and the Lower Colorado River is hopefully 'birdy' this time of year.

We're driving down Sunday and then have five days to boondock, light hiking and nature watching plus hopefully SUN! Then we need to drive back on Saturday but could meander back north sooner if there are some good (and still semi-warm) areas to see. (But we don't want to turn this into a driving marathon.)

We're thinking Kofa for sure. Other not-too-intense 4WD roads (light on people) with decent campsites/scenery suggestions would be MUCH appreciated. We have a 4WD Ram 3500 with a flatbed Grandby and good self-rescue capabilities but prefer never to use them! (At almost 67 I find myself increasingly 'conservative'.)

Many thanks, Steve
Burro Creek runs under the Joshua Tree Highway, decent camping and can be good birding (perennial stream). Also you can drive right up and boondock camp around the Gibraltar Mountains/East Gibralter/Swansea Mtns wilderness areas and Alamo Lake State Park has both developed and dispersed camping - birding can be good there too. Lot's of the BLM wilderness areas have roads to them (or bisect them) and can be very nice easy to hard hiking. Good interactive map at: https://wilderness.net/visit-wilderness/maps.php
Thanks folks! Burro Creek sounds interesting!

We birded south of Tucson including Madera last year. This time we're thinking in a strip from Kofa north to Kingman and willing to dart into California a bit before we dart back to Durango via I-40 next Saturday.

Any more suggestions welcomed!

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