Question on Wires in FWC Hawk


Senior Member
Nov 6, 2013
Morro Bay
I pulled out my ice box the other day and noticed a couple sets of wires that terminate there. Anyone know what they are for? I was thinking that they are for two items I didn't order: the refrig vent fan and the refrig itself. Thoughts? When I get a minute I will trace and test them to see if I can figure out what they're for.


Yes, I know FWC pre-wires for nearly every option and these are likely for an option I didn't get, but I was wondering if anyone had some first hand experience what these could be for.
The refrigerator goes where the icebox is. That is for the refrigerator. You'll find those always hot unless a fuse has been removed.
Yes, I was told just the other day by someone at FWC that they pre-wire all campers for all options, so those are for the fridge that you don't have.
There are two sets of wires that terminate behind the icebox. I was hoping someone had insight on what each of them are for. I think the coiled wires mounted to the wall are for the refrig fan and the larger gauge wires for the refrig itself.
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