Questions on adding portable panels


Lost again
May 25, 2015
North Carolina
I thought I'd post this here instead of in the Hallmark section to avail myself of the entire brain trust here on WTW.

My Hallmark has two 100 amp solar panels mounted on the roof and work fairly well when we keep it exposed to the sun.
Earlier this summer while camping several days in one location we had the camper in a shaded spot and this eventually led to the complete depletion of our battery bank ( two 6 volt 230 AH batteries). Our future plans call for extended trips where we could very well be stationary for several days and we might be in a shaded area but need to have our batteries functional so I am contemplating adding a portable set up like this:

My questions are:

1. Is this a good set up or are there better options?
2. Can I wire this directly to the batteries since it has its own controller or does it need to be somehow run to the existing controller in the truck?


What amp controller do you have now and is it mounted near the batteries?

I would be concerned that 2 controllers might affect each other. Maybe someone here knows more but I would want to add the portable in parallel and it would be good to know if the voltage output of the new panel was the same as your existing panels.

I'm sure more folks will chime in :)
You can wire this directly to the batteries as it has it's own controller - it won't interfere with the roof mount controller. However, the included controller looks to be on the crappy end of the spectrum. You would do better to buy just the panels and mount a quality controller close to the batteries and connect the panels to that.

You could also put it in parallel with your roof mounted panel, if the voltage is close to the same and your controller has the available capacity.
Happyjax said:

What amp controller do you have now and is it mounted near the batteries?

I would be concerned that 2 controllers might affect each other. Maybe someone here knows more but I would want to add the portable in parallel and it would be good to know if the voltage output of the new panel was the same as your existing panels.

I'm sure more folks will chime in :)
The camper came with a Zamp controller but I have a Blue Sky Controller sitting on my bench waiting to be installed.
rando said:
You can wire this directly to the batteries as it has it's own controller - it won't interfere with the roof mount controller. However, the included controller looks to be on the crappy end of the spectrum. You would do better to buy just the panels and mount a quality controller close to the batteries and connect the panels to that.

You could also put it in parallel with your roof mounted panel, if the voltage is close to the same and your controller has the available capacity.
Thanks Rando.
I'm wondering if anyone can tell me what FWC does as I understand that they have an optional plug in portable panel set up
On my 2014 FWC they wired the rear portable plug to the controller for the rooftop solar, so I just plug in my portable panel (without controller). I am unfamiliar with any FWC portable panel option (where they sell you portable panels)
How many amps is that Blue Sky? If it's 20 or more you should be able to add 100w panel without the controller, just plugged in parallel.

Now if your panels are Zamp I believe they are wired backwards so you would need to pay close attention to the wiring of the new panel.

Renogy has some new flexible lightweight panels. I have a 50w which seems to be well built but I have a few flaws in the cells so I am checking with tech support to see if they are a problem. Not enough sun here to test them but the weekend promises a lot of sunshine so I will know.

I'm sure Renogy will exchange it if it proves to not be up to snuff. They have a very good reputation. I will let everyone know:)
smlobx said:
The camper came with a Zamp controller but I have a Blue Sky Controller sitting on my bench waiting to be installed.
Also check the polarity of the connections as the Blue Sky and Zamp may be reversed in their use of the MC4 connectors. I have no personal experience with Zamp but have heard that they were wired backwards from more than one source:)
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