Quick Midewwk trip to Pinnacles Nationla Monument

Hey HikerCook and Frank, thanks for the condor photos. I never saw them in the Pinnacles or Big Sur but I did get a great view of one once hiking out of the Grand Canyon. He was playing on the currents just above the canyon rim. What great birds!

I wondered how you knew it was #40 condor, then I saw how close you were for the photo.
Nice shots, which have inspired quite a few of us.
I wondered how you knew it was #40 condor, then I saw how close you were for the photo.
Nice shots, which have inspired quite a few of us.

I think all of the 350+ condors in the wild have #s on both of their wings,plus radio sending so that if a bird is motionless for a period of time, half a day or so they know to look for that bird.In a lot of cases the bird has eaten a kill that has lead shot in it.Lead poisoning is a real problem for them.


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