Quick over night trip to Union Valley Reservoir

super doody

Senior Member
Aug 2, 2012
San Mateo Coast
I planned, built and purchased my truck/camper with one purpose - to get away from the masses and to explore the outdoors. Since the camper install in April, we have completed two weekend trips in established campsites. I was itching to leave the pavement behind and get in the dirt! With a lot great advice from fellow WTWers (Ski, Ted and JHa6av8r) I was ready to head towards Hope Valley for a quick overnight trip near a lake but with the 4 hr drive from the Bay Area, I knew it was stretch goal. JHa6av8r recommend Ice House Reservoir and Camino Cove at Union Reservoir which was 30 miles shorter.

Truck, gear and food was packed the night before. I had every intention to leave by 8 am but after feeding my daughter, getting her dressed and us getting dressed, we didn't leave till 9:15.

By the time we reached the turn off for Ice House rd., my daughter had enough of being in the car. We stop at the visitor center for a stretch break and also to chat with the rangers.

The weather was sunny and hot (~80 degrees) which was a nice contrast to the costal summer time weather (i.e. fog).

I still had images of lake and solitude, but my daughter was sick of being in the car so we ended up staying at Sunset campsite. We picked the 3rd loop which was furthest from the lake but was also the most empty.

Our camp site faced the forrest with lots of shade and no neighbors. My daughter and dog was happy with the open space.

Beach time. The water was about 5 min walk away from our camp. My daughter loved playing in the water with the mud and rocks. There was probably only 4 groups there. I imagine that during the summer the beach must be extremely packed. The water still a bit chilly but still a lot warmer than the ocean.

Dinner time. Steak, veggies and mac n cheese. Unfortunately, there were lots of spring time mosquitos so we cooked and ate dinner in the camper.

Early morning. Looking for sticks, rocks and bugs. 19 month old and fearless.

Funny faces

Road to camino cove. The next day, my wife knew I didn't get my fill of "playing" in the dirt so she suggested that we check out camino cove on the drive home. It was nice drive that started with a narrow pave road which turned into dirt. My daughter fell asleep as soon as we hit the dirt. There were some rutted descents but nothing bad enough to need 4wd. I was in 2 wheel lo on some of the steeper down hill sections. I was surprised that in even 2 wheel lo, my gear wasn't low to provide enough engine braking so I had to apply little bit of brake. I guess I was use to my tacoma TRD 4:10 gearing with manual transmission.

Dead rattle snake road kill

Union Valley Dam

Overall, it was great short trip. I was able to test out the off road capabilities of my rig, our daughter's patience for long rides and our fridge in hot weather.

Heading up to Wrights Beach in Bodega bay tomorrow with some friends but I'm still dreaming of high elevation lakes and solitude :)
A Pliny, a border and child! What could go wrong! ;)

Admire the cookware too. Is that a MSR potgrabber? I need one.
Glad you got out Jim! We're going to hit the Clavey River before meeting our group at Pinecrest Lake next week. It's about 10 miles past the Dodge Ridge ski area. The river forms granite pools. Mostly a locals spot. We also need to figure out how to meet up sometime.

Looks like a fun trip super doody. That brings back memories of camping with my kids, who managed to get filthy the first 5 minutes at the campsite. I wouldn't trade those times for anything though, so enjoy it while it lasts.
GroovyDad said:
Looks like a fun trip super doody. That brings back memories of camping with my kids, who managed to get filthy the first 5 minutes at the campsite. I wouldn't trade those times for anything though, so enjoy it while it lasts.
Thanks G. Dad. I'm still a new Dad and figuring things out but I love every minute of it. Just fortunate to have the opportunities to expose her to the outdoors.

Yeah we bring multiple outfits. The outside shower is a big help for dog and toddler. One note of caution for this area is we did find 4 ticks. Lucky, none were in bedded. After each trip, all clothes go directly to the washing machine. Even though our dog is on flea and tick meds, we had to spray her with tick med after this trip. Our pup has pretty thick coat so we are going to give her a summer hair cut.
We use the Frontline stuff for our dog- seems to work pretty well. Apply once a month through the summer- no ticks. For ourselves we treat a set of spring camping clothes with permethrin- works well for ticks. They can be thick in the woods around here, especially in the spring, and more and more are carrying diseases you don't want to get.
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