Quick Snow Run


Fire Proof
Jan 3, 2007
South Shores California
With the recent dumping we received this past week I decided to make a quick run to our local Mtns. for an over nighter. Arrived at the trail head just after sun up with the anticipation of an easy climb to one of my favorite hideaways. After a quick air down of all four paws and the thumbs up from the Co-Piolt we were on our way. After about a mile up I soon realized that the AT's and 4wd weren't going to cut it and I was going to have to chain up. Out came the air compressor and chains and within 30 mins. we were moving again and making good progress. At the trail split I ran into a couple in a Subaru awd wagon who had just spent an hour slowly backing down from where I was heading. After a short chat with them I continued on my way without any hesitation. It wasn't long before I realized why the Subaru had backed down. By this time the snow was getting rather deep and I shifted into 4Low and continued on my way at yet a slower pace. It was at the next trail split that I ran into a group of jeepers who informed me that they had made a turn around just short of where I was heading due to the trail condition. After some thought I realized that I shoud probably heed their advice and do a turn around. After a quick check of the map, and some suggestions made by the jeepers we were on our way down with the idea of making a try of it some other time, and although I didn't make it to where I wanted, the time spent was well worth it. Here are a couple of Pics. The desent, co-piolt getting some stick time, weather moving in.



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Cool pics...looks like it was a nice day (for awhile at least). I'll bet your co-pilot had a blast in the snow!
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