Randsburg Rally and more, Randsburg or Bust


Riley's Human
Jan 12, 2007
I almost forgot to mention the Pot Luck. Sausage appetizers. Enormous steaks. Salad, potatoes, cookies and I'm sure I'm forgetting something. Of course we were expecting a few more. Lets just say Riley did not go hungry :)

Its time to finally see Randsburg via Government Peak. View from the top

Trying not to get blown off the mountain.

Randsburg to the left, Johannesburg to the right.

I had a hotdog and a shake in the General Store.

The Saloon
is closed :(
But the Joint is open.

Lots of tourists

After touring Randsburg we headed back to camp via pavement. By now the wind was really howling. I thought my Jeep might blow over. Me and Dick packed up. Terry's brand new tent was in the process of being destroyed. Jim, understandably was concerned about going over Cajon Pass in the wind and planned to wait out the wind. I wanted to get part of the trip home out of the way and get out of the wind. When I left I didn't realize getting out of the wind wasn't going to happen. By the time I fueled up in Independence it was beginning to sprinkle. I could see a dusting of snow on the peaks. The mountain passes were all closed. Around Mammoth it started to rain pretty hard. Kind of made camping on a dirt road an iffy proposition. Green Creek might be okay to drive in the rain but unloading my gear into the rain/snow and wind was unappealing and I forged on. Carson pass was still listed as open.

Heading up 88 it changed to a mix of rain and snow. Halfway up the pass it started to stick on the pavement and the truck started to slide. It wasn't deep but it was time to shift into four wheel drive. Almost no traffic and DOT hadn't started to sand the roads yet, with the wind it was near white out conditions so I just putted along. Only saw one plow out working. Lots and lots of tree debris on the roadway. Once I pulled onto the Mormon Emigrant trail it wasn't long before it turned to a rain snow mix. The the debris was thick. Tree limbs, branches, rocks and in one spot a whole tree down across the road. Fortunately someone had already cut just enough to squeeze by. Then fog added into the mix. I didn't see a single vehicle on the road in Pollock Pines. Freeway traffic was extremely light until I hit Sacramento Late in the morning. Impressive rainfall amounts in Sac and in the foothills.
We had LOTS of wind here in the high desert, but of course.....NO RAIN---OR SNOW!!

WAAAAAAA! We need some moisture!!
I'm glad you made it home OK Craig. I saw on the news that night that there was snow in the passes and worried about you and Riley getting home. Thanks joining me on the rally and posting some great pictures.

Also Craig provided a great selection of brews for our enjoyment. Loved the Hopsauce double IPA.
Wow I really enjoyed Craigs pictures and texts on his part of the adventure and glad he got home safe. And thanks Dick for organizing and being our trail leader.

Most of my pictures are duplicates to Craigs except for the following. We had good food and spirits. I didn't know Craig was the "beer whisperer" (brought some great Sacramento craft brews for us to sample) I had a great time and look forward to the next one.

Speaking of Riley the dog. On Sunday Craig was ready to leave. He called Riley...who was lying down under the table waiting for his special dinner (steak from last night) that he thought he would get more of.

Craig said he wouldn't eat his dog food Sunday morning. (wonder why?) . Any way, Craig had to come and drag him back to the truck to leave. Really funny....

For my part here is a picture less Terry of our group. Clockwise-starting at 9pm- we have "slick rock Steve" on the left, then "Craig333", Rc Pilot Jim (at the 1 o'clock) and Dick (Camel Racer) our host.


Craig, Dick and I were sleeping in our FWC.
Terry sold his Kestral(Hawk) this year deciding to try tent camping: Worked out great until Sunday when the wind started blowing 35-45 mph with gusts over 50 (yes we took it down before it blew itself to smithereens). Next day he asked how I did with the wind. I replied, "what wind?" :D

As you saw from Craigs pictures we did the trails with two Jeeps and one old Samurai. They had 33" tires and I have 26". And they are "Yokohama ATI's " ...What was I thinking when I bought them?

On Friday Dick decided to see how much rough stuff it could handle. We went up a wash to the "squeeze" in Last Chance Canyon (El Paso mountains). The first obstacle was a smooth rock slope about 2 feet high. Killed the motor the first three tries...Until I got up enough "revvs" to climb it. Even in low range the 65 hp engine. had trouble climbing some hills in first gear (need lower gears, lockers and off-road tires)...Anyone interested in a set of 215/70/R15 tires (5,000 total miles) at $ 45 each?

Narrow body width and short wheelbase saved the day.


We decided the Samurai was good on trails rated "SUV plus" or "truck with camper plus". Without a major investment of $ moolah$ there is no way I can play with the Big Guys.

We left Monday morning for the return trip. Still very windy- 20-25mph. We prefer traveling during the week as the Sunday Las Vegas return traffic through the Cajon pass is nerve-wracking with all the big trucks, RV's, and crazy drivers speeding in and out of the lanes. We were lucky. When we merged on the 15 south we were in light rain conditions and all lanes were moving at 20-30 mph. We all sedately and safely putted down the pass. Most of the wind was gone by the time we reached the flat area at the bottom, clouds cleared rest of the trip home was easy.
I and a couple others, are heading back to the El Paso's to explore this Friday!
We are staying at the Red Rock Canyon Campground at Ricardo. I am taking my truck, and BIG camper, so will have
a lot of good vittles to eat, and plenty of libations, if anyone is in the area, "come on down"!



I'm surprised you got rain that far down. Glad to hear the wind died down. Warning to others. These guys really know how to spoil a dog :) He's eating dog food again thankfully!

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