Repair Kit


Advanced Member
Jan 2, 2016
I'm wondering what folks carry for a repair kit in their FWC. As an example, we carry a socket set, a couple of crescent wrenches, spare fuses, a few screw drivers, hammer, wire cutters, electrical tape & duct tape. I've used the fuses but not much else. I'm curious what folks carry and what they've needed.

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Freeze, some people on this site probably carry enough "stuff" to do an engine change, but where do you get a spare engine in the boonies? I'm on the other end of the spectrum and believe in taking more planning and knowledge than "stuff". So, my recommendation is buy a shop manual, if you don't already have one, study it, thinking if this problem occurred in the boonies would this be terminal or can I limp on. If it would be terminal how would you go about fixing the vehicle to limp on and what tools would you need. Pay particular attention to the troubleshooting section and what tools would you need to troubleshoot. A multimeter for example. To be more specific take a ruptured radiator hose, wouldn't it be nice if you just so happened to carry a spare (and every other spare part!). Lacking that you could carry some universal "bandaids" to repair it. In this case a small roll of old inner tube and hose clamps. Having said that I have to apologize that I am at the same point that you are and have not developed my whole spare kit, but this is the method that I am using. I hope others with more concrete recommendations will comment.
I like being prepared, especially on back roads away from help, My kit contains the following: sae and metric sockets and wrenches, 12" crescent wrench, channel locks, vise grips, full screw driver set,pliers, 2 files, allen and star wrenches, gorilla tape, elec tape, fuses, bulbs, crimps and small selection of screws, 5200, zip ties, bottle jack, motor oil, and WD40, volt meter, jumper cables. Sounds like a lot but all hand tools pack into a small carry bag 12"x9"x5" that weighs in at just over 20lbs. Everything resides in a under seat storage compartment in the cab. I think I have helped other people(minimalists) as much as my self with this stuff. If you are weight sensitive it might not be for you.
Lots of tools and "stuff" in the truck. Camper has more specific stuff. Vinyl repair kit. Various types of tapes. I'm no minimalist so if you need something theres a good chance I'll have it. The cummins doesn't care how heavy my truck is.
I agree that there are some basic stuff to carry-like duck tape :D , some type of camper roof seal, tire repair kit, paper towels, kitty litter, flash lights and "get unstuck" stuff", first aid and basic tool kits-both auto and general (*stuff that you know how to use).. We have had this discussion several times before here, so you can check out "kit" specific things on those posts. As it has been stated above there are basically three types of kits-auto, getting unstuck and camper and the secret is finding things that you can use all of them. The state of what trucks are these days seems to limit truck repair stuff (unless you are a great car meck :oops: nich) to basic repair stuff like jumper cables, volt meters and tape for broken hoses. While I still carry my old vehicle repair kit I have put together over last 40 or so years, I just hope that I don't break down ! While I carry to many things out there in the field, that is just me and each person has to put his or her field kit together based on your experience and where you are going.

In addition to what others have said here about carrying tools you know how to use, you might want to check out what spare parts you might need if you break down.

when I got my "new to me" truck, I read all the threads on the internet I could find about "problems" with this version of my truck. I pro-actively fixed everything, and at least looked at the stuff that might break. Found too items on the cooling system that would be VERY hard to source if they broke, and carry spares of those.
I carry a multitool, a small shovel, a cellphone, and a positive attitude. Modern trucks are so complicated with their complex electronics that the days of a McGyver repair in the field are over. I mean am I going to pull an axle and replace a carrier bearing in the field? Let alone carry the parts and tools. As the list of things I could repair got shorter and the list of things needed to make repairs got longer I thew in the towel. I'm now OCD on maintenance and I have a AAA membership.

I carry as much as I have room for (all "stubby" tools) and everything my pea brain can think I might need ... but other than that, a big box of luck & hope plus a cell phone.

For this thread title alone is why I want an Aluminess bumper so bad.
Food for thought... I have NO IDEA how but I lost my passenger rear turnbuckle on a 3 week trip this past year. I did check for tightness before I left and once before I discovered missing. Now I check everyday before I leave if I've been on rougher roads. I wished I'd had a spare with me I was still a week out when discovered.

Have not removed the Hawk since the trip I hope maybe still in there somewhere but I have replaced and if I find it I'll have a spare :)
simimike said:
I carry a multitool, a small shovel, a cellphone, and a positive attitude. Modern trucks are so complicated with their complex electronics that the days of a McGyver repair in the field are over. I mean am I going to pull an axle and replace a carrier bearing in the field? Let alone carry the parts and tools. As the list of things I could repair got shorter and the list of things needed to make repairs got longer I thew in the towel. I'm now OCD on maintenance and I have a AAA membership.

Seems like just some basic tools are all you need. Agreed can't do much to the new trucks.
Make sure to carry ,duct tape,some heavy type clear plastic sheet (for window repair,ect.)
Mostly tools to do some camper work. And the AAA card,plus cell phone and make sure to have the charger cords for all rechargeable items.

Like the Boy Scouts, prepared.
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