Replacing lift panels- Canvas shrinkage?!

Nov 14, 2014
Carbondale, CO
Hello all,
I took apart and fabricated a new lift panel as per the directions so elegantly laid out by Rich on this site. I got it all done and tensioned the hinges only to find that upon fitting it into the camper, the bottom screw holes are long by about 3/8 to half of an inch with the canvas stretched as tight as it can be. Has anyone run into this problem? It got me wondering if the old panels (1984 Fleet II) warped and delaminated because of the canvas shrinking.
My current plan is to de-rivet, cut off 3/8" and then drill and rerivet to make it fit. I know this throws the roof alignment off just slightly, but I think I have the clearance. Or do I just throw it in there and let it warp to size?
thanks in advance, this place is so helpful!
I ran in into about 5/8 difference. You will have to take it off symetrically or it will not fold properly. Leaving it tight will give you problems, it will want to pull apart. My experience anyway.
Thanks J.
I took off an appropriate amount from both sides and then reriveted. Now I just wish the second lift panel would just fix itself! I'll post regarding the pitfalls I found after I finish the second so that it can be more complete.
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