Return to Death Valley

Stew, check my answers.
1. Stampede scenes were shot just north of Bishop on the volcanic tablelands.
2. Boulder scenes in the Alabama Hills
3. Utility guys attacked scenes were shot right on Whitney Portal Road in the narrows between Lone Pine and Movie Road
4. I believe they built the town of Perfection in the southern Owens Valley.
5. I don't know where the scene where the graboid ate the generator was filmed.

Hmmm, 3pin, it looks like I will have to rent Tremors again if I want to retain my WtW membership. 2, 3 and 4 I agree with; the others I'll have to check during my next viewing.
And Stew, I haven't forgotten about you and the Guiness, either.

So, Ted, my friend, where should we meet up next summer so we can make the Guiness transfer--UT, ID, CO?

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