Road Trip


A Great Guy
Oct 3, 2006
Sacramento, California
Hello every one, Part of the ATC team is going on a raod trip next week to Nebraska. We will be going across on 80. Any one that wants to see our work or in need of a part that is on our way just let us know and we will do our best to hook up with you. Have a nice weekend. Marty
Hello every one, Part of the ATC team is going on a raod trip next week to Nebraska. We will be going across on 80. Any one that wants to see our work or in need of a part that is on our way just let us know and we will do our best to hook up with you. Have a nice weekend. Marty

We might be there the same time, I will PM you my details..
Kodachrome: If you do not mind, can you tell me what you did to your Bobcat to make it ready for extended trips?

Thank you,

Kodachrome: If you do not mind, can you tell me what you did to your Bobcat to make it ready for extended trips?

Thank you,


It's still work in progress, like recently discovering the need for a splash guard around the sink since the charge controller for the solar is *right* smack in the worst possible spot in terms of getting wet. Thankfully a cheap and easy fix...;-)

You have to first define your needs / wants and then go out and live in it, trial and error. Somethings are obvious like extra insulation, bathing options, etc. Other things only reveal them selves once you go live in it for a week or more.

I really can't reply more than that since I am in mid trip and other things are pressing. Do a past post search under my name, you will find some answers...
Kodachrome: If you do not mind, can you tell me what you did to your Bobcat to make it ready for extended trips?

Thank you,


Sorry to squeeze in here, but the best and cheapest mod for me was this hanging storage thingy


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Kodachrome: Thank you. We just got back from a short trip up Hwy 88. I have also done some things like you have. But, the main change I am going to make is that I am in the process of asking Marty to make me some lower seat cushions that are 2 inches wider. I will let you know how it turns out.


I put storage pouches in too, very expensive but fairly handy Stowmate, they really work excellent, I might consider one more for by the bed.

One thing I just did was to expand my options a bit on the overhead. I installed several little D-rings in an area that allows me to either suspend a light duty net or hang my shower curtain which secures onto a collapsable wash basin made of foldable water bags. I can then take a sponge bath inside when it is nasty out, which is has been for the last week on the road.

I keep a running list on my iPhone of both fixes and needed items for when I feel like tackling them. That way, when I am near a larger town with good supplies, I can get some of them.

It's the little things that bog you down at times, like needing both a cushion and floor brush ( mud ).

This road trip has been the longest sustained yet, over two weeks and things are going well. I head home this week for a few days and then out I go for a month.

Off to Wyoming again...
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