Roof Vent Replacement for a Grandby


Advanced Member
Mar 30, 2011
Somehow the front roof vent (w/o the fan) cover blew off while road tripping in OR and WA this wkd? does anyone know the specs on the replacement vent/cover? ideas on best places to buy. alternatives to the stock one that always seemed to pop open about 1/2" while driving? I do like the fact that it opens... but will likely replace it w/a darker one so that I can sleep in later in the am w/o the sun shining through.

I'm also in the marked for a replacement door/vent for the side of the Dometic... found that at TJ Trailers online in UT. $40 sound about right?

Fantastic fans/vents are what you're likely looking for. Should be able to call them directly for a replacement of check ebay/online supply shops for a replacement cover as well (possibly cheaper). I've never had issues with mine lifting though, not sure on that one.
I lost one one the way home from Baja so we stopped at Alaskan to have it replaced. Bryan did not have one and said that they where guaranteed by Fantastic fan. Being a little slow I had forgot about it until reading your post. I just got off the phone with fantastic fan and yes it guaranteed and they are sending out a new all I pay is the shipping!

They also had a fix for the way the air flows over the top of the camper, seem a light aluminum L shaped angle around the vent will stop it from vibrating from the air flow. I will try it when I install the new lid. I do like a company that stands behind there product.
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