Rubbing down to bare metal


Senior Member
Aug 11, 2015
I just purchased a 2014 Alaskan co and drove it back to Fla from Co. I noticed that on the two side panels of the co there was a area where the paint on the siding was wore down to the metal. It appears that the wooden blocks that are on the large panel that hold the side panels up are rubbing on the side panels in the down position. Has anyone had this problem or am I doing something wrong. Is there a way to prevent this. Thks for any input on this. Also what type of paint should I use to paint the two areas.
Hi Rdy:

I have a 2018 10' Alaskan CO and will check those blocks tomorrow. Is the rub on the inside of the fold down panels or outside ?
It's on the outside. The top panel sets on top of the side panels when lowered.
Will try to post some pics soon. Kinda new at this so it might take some time to figure it out.
This is the only pic that would download. Will keep trying but says file is to big. I think I'll put a couple magnets on the metal hinge to keep the block up off it. Wish I would of caught it earlier. IMG_20180706_090614.jpg
I’m an Alaskan fan, but that’s a lousy design. If there is no where else for the front panel to lay on besides paint, I would put some kind of thin Aluminum, plastic, maybe even non skid on the raw aluminum.
The picture is not wide enough to see, but a magnet won’t help, it will just hold the block out of the way, and you will end up with a rub line wherever the front panel contacts the side panels
Nice camper!
Back up and take another pic, then crop all that non critical space to get it under the max post amount. From the pic you have and based on the thread you posted I am only 50% sure of what you are even referring to?

I have a '76 CO and there are no hinged blocks.
Not sure how much you can see in the pic. but in the top left hand corner there is a wood block on a hinge that holds the side panel in place when up. That's what is rubbing on the metal in the lowered position. Brian from Alaskan said to put velcro on it to hold the block up off the panel when lowered.
The blocks purpose is to keep the side panels from falling inward when the roof is raised?? If so I misunderstood, it looked like they were supposed to support the side panels when folded. My bad:)
Did you buy the Alaskan in Montrose? well cared for camper. I just bought a 2009 and the wood blocks are not rubbing , not sure why they don't put latch on that side of panel like they do on bulk head side?
A camera hint: I bought a lower resolution older Nikon Coolpix at a garage sale for 5 dollars I chose the lowest resolution in the menu and I do not need to re-size anything it has become my go to camera for forum postings,
I send pics from my Samsung Android phone to my home computer. It offers four options on SIZE and I always choose the lowest. When I get the email I save the pic and then crop out what is not needed in the photo.

You can also just back up to take the pic and then crop even MORE out to get a smaller resolution pic to post.
Yes I did buy it in Montrose. It's in excellent condition. It's been hot, humid and storming every single day here in Florida so I Have had it covered since I've been back. Getting rdy to uncover it and head up to the Smokey Mountains here in a couple weeks. I used Velcro for now to hold up the blocks.
Hey PackRat,
Once it cools down and stops raining here I will temp to post some more pics..Thks for the tips!
We had the same issue with our 10'CO We just use two small blankets to cover the top panel from the side panels on each side. Keeps panels protected. Just fold. Ack and set out double sleeping bag on top of blankets.
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