
Senior Member
Sep 3, 2014
Reno, NV

I made my annual pilgrimage to Death Valley's, Saline Valley Warm Springs.

My trip report can be seen here: Saline Valley, Nov., 2018
Boy, GroovyDad, you sure look at home there at the warm springs! A little therapeutic down time works its magic. Happy travels!
Sounds like a good relaxing time. Sure wish we had some hot springs around here- we are heading into the single digit temperatures the next couple of nights. Soaking in a hot spring would be pretty nice.
Enjoyed the write up GroovyDad, thanks for sharing. I've never been there, so we're looking for a chance to check it out this spring as we explore more of Nevada's desert allure.
Thanks for the nice write up. A great place to be and relax.

It was nice to see pictures of the sun and blue sky..... We have had a inversion since Wednesday and have not seen the SUN!. Today fog!!!!!! I'm sure you being in Reno have had similar weather, while up at Lake Tahoe the sun is shinning..... Blaa!
I first visited the Saline Valley warm springs after hearing about them from a friend at work (late 1980s). He suggested I go in October, said the place would be deserted at that time. But when I arrived, I found the only crowded spot of land for miles. Having arrived late afternoon, I decided to stay as I wasn't looking forward to a repeat drive down the miles of washboard so I could find and set up camp in the dark. The drumming started as soon as it got dark and continued most of the night, not a solo performance but a whole crew of them, rarely hitting the same rhythm. I got a bit of sleep, but woke up every hour or two, the drums still going. I broke camp at first light and drove out, with a raging headache and vowing to never return again. :oops:

I'm glad you had a much better experience, but interesting that you also had a drummer. Something in the water maybe? :D

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