senior member


Senior Member
Oct 5, 2006

I just cruised through the member list and discovered two things. One, I am the most active member on the site and two, I passed 500 posts.

Seems like that should warrant a new rank. Something like "has no life member", "wastes the most space on site member", "takes up too much room member", or my favorite, "needs to get a life member".

I am sure there will be some other suggestions now that will inspire others to participate to an exalted level.
member status

1) "Lives for campers, camps to live" member

I see we have another harley rider in the group. I like that one. Now just have to figure out how to put eagles on each side of it flapping away and a good 5 grand rev when you open a post. :D

Makes me want to go ride now. Great day for it today. Been working on the web site all day and answering questions. Seems to never end.
ben, your the man, your efforts do not go unappreciated...

I think "Super Senior" comes after "Senior", a least it does in ski pass discounts a Sugar Bowl. Super Seniors get their passes for almost free.

You can sleep when your 6' under.:D I know I sleep from time to time. I can tell because the bed is messed up. Just don't remember when sometimes.
With Ben setting the standard...

In order to account for Ben's prolific posting habits and apparent lack of sleep, you might just want to name them Level 1, 2, 3, etc. :)
Ben, I could sit here and post more than I do but most of what I have to say is not worth reading. Anyway, I’m back and you will see more of me. We just finished 6 weeks in the old Keystone. I am still wondering why we came home. I have been thinking all day about places to go on the next camping trip. It is getting cooler in the southeast as September goes past. This is our dry season in the South, a good time to camp on the Gulf Coast. Back to work tomorrow. That Alaska Marine Highway ferry cost over $3500.00 and gas was pretty high in Canada. I have not figured out how much gas actually costs in Canada because I really don’t want to know. I reckon this trip to Alaska and just about all the big parks in the west, US and Canada, plus a bunch of small ones costs us about 8 grand. We did not skimp, ate out in nice places, but spent every single night in the camper. (Incidentally, the underground parking garage at the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial, or Gateway Arch in St. Louis has enough headroom for us to drive our camper inside and park, popped down of course. After a nice dinner, we came back late to our vehicle. Ours was the only vehicle on the second floor. I think we could have spent the night there, but we did not.)

By the way, the North Rim of the Grand Canyon was NICE. There is plenty of good camping in the National Forest just outside the park gate if you are prepared to dry camp. Even though it was crowded, we found a camp site inside the park. The next day, we drove some of the gravel roads in the national forest and realized there are better camps outside the park. John


As usual it sounds like you had a great time. Wish I could take that amount of time off and enjoy the trip. A few more years I hope.

Waiting to hear about some ice storm that you got stuck in though. I know it happened somewhere.:)

Everytime you take that camper somewhere the cold follows you.
Ben, We did experience freezing weather a couple of nights in Alaska and the Yukon. It killed off the mosquitos. John
Gas Price Charts

I have not figured out how much gas actually costs in Canada because I really don’t want to know.

In case you ever do want to know, here's a nifty link to a site where you can select three cities in US or CA, select whether you want it in $CDN/L or $US/G and the time period.

Gas Price Charts


Glad to hear the cold finally did something positive for you. :) I understand those mosquito's can carry you off up there.
I have not figured out how much gas actually costs in Canada because I really don’t want to know.

GasBuddy has gas and diesel prices for the US and Canada.


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