Severe weather or other safety alerts to your InReach, Zoleo, etc.


Advanced Member
Feb 5, 2017
Hey everyone,

I have enjoyed this community for many years for trip inspiration and as a place to learn about new products and solutions.

So, as I am looking for people who enjoy remote adventures to test a new service I have launched, I thought I'd reach out to the community here.

Almost three years ago, my travels took me to Cape Scott Provincial Park, at the northern end of Vancouver Island, a remote area on the shores of the Pacific Ocean, where I spent a week. While there, I realized I would have had no way of getting notified of a distant earthquake and the resulting tsunami. My Garmin inReach would have allowed me to call for help in an emergency or to get a current forecast, but it couldn't alert me in the case of an immediate risk. Imagine a similar situation in an area at risk from flash flooding, forest fires or a tornado. When I got back to civilization, I tried to find a solution. Surprisingly, no one offered a notification solution using a satellite device like inReach!

So, I founded a company called Adiona Alert to provide the service I needed but couldn't find.

After more than two years of work, including testing the service over the last six months throughout North America and issuing over 2000 safety alerts, including severe weather, to our small fleet of test devices, we are beginning to invite people to join our Early Access program so they can start using the service today for free!

Given where your adventures likely take you, I thought this community would be perfect to test the service. I would be honoured if you would consider signing up for the Early Access program.

As we slowly add small groups of users, It would be great if some of you would apply for our Early Access program. You would get these potentially live-saving alerts for free. All I ask in return is to share with my team and me your thoughts, suggestions and even complaints so we can improve the solution.

I would love you to visit our website -, to learn more and apply for our Early Access program.

Thanks for considering this, and let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

good luck.
i would think 'travelers' would be one group that might be interested. i keep thinking about the maui fires - since i have vacationed there, fire risk, was the last thing i would have been thinking about.
i completed your application. will be traveling to baja in feb, and thought that might be a good locale .
goinoregon said:
good luck.
i would think 'travelers' would be one group that might be interested. i keep thinking about the maui fires - since i have vacationed there, fire risk, was the last thing i would have been thinking about.
i completed your application. will be traveling to baja in feb, and thought that might be a good locale .
​Thanks Greg! Saw your application come through, which is exciting - after months of work, it’s nice to see people’s reactions. We’ll send you a survey to learn more about your use in the next day or two as we try to get a good cross-section of users and use cases.

Agreed on “travellers” being a target group.

Unfortunately, we don’t yet monitor alerts in Mexico, but it’s on the list. We are focused on the US and Canada right now. But Baja will be on the list as it’s one of our favourite winter destinations - we’ll be there in February as well ;)

Thanks again for your interest and feedback - keep it coming, as this is what will allow us to develop the solution for our users!

This looks great. I'm just in the process of signing up my Zoleo and think this is a great idea. Hopefully, the number of messages is minimal as I won't have a large number of texts/month quota initially.
Good morning Dennis,

Gee how's it work.when to website an very little information.

Our website provides a high-level view of how it works, partly to protect some of our “magic”, and partly to keep the message simple.

Did you find the “How It Works” page - ?

Since part of the reason we are inviting this community to learn about our service is to learn from you, I would love to know more about what information you would like to see on our website or in a supporting document. What’s missing? Feel free to reply or DM me here.

Essentially, we monitor the location reported by your inReach, Zoleo or other satellite device and compare it to alerts issued by hundreds of public alerting agencies, with most alerts issued by the National Weather Service in the U.S. and Environment and Climate Change Canada, in Canada.

When they issue an alert, like a severe weather warning, we notify your device using the satellite network.

It’s, of course, a little more complicated than that behind the scenes and depending on your service provider, but from your perspective, you get timely, reliable alerts based on the GPS location that is updated regularly by your active inReach or other device.

You don’t need a new or different device; you don’t need to add software to your device - you power it on, ensure it’s appropriately configured and paired to your account on our servers, and ensure it regularly reports your position.

Our computers do the magic and make sure you know if the public safety agencies identify something as a hazard wherever your travels take you.

Does that help?
kmcintyre said:
This looks great. I'm just in the process of signing up my Zoleo and think this is a great idea. Hopefully, the number of messages is minimal as I won't have a large number of texts/month quota initially.
​Good morning kmcintyre,

Thanks for your interest!

That is part of the careful balance with safety alerts, especially weather watches and warnings.

We are still working hard on developing our service, and one area we will work with our early users over the coming weeks is to understand what alerts they want to receive and what options they need to opt out of certain alerts.

In the meantime, one of the benefits of Zoleo, which you are likely already aware of, is that whenever your Zoleo device is paired to your smartphone, AND your smartphone has a data connection, such as cellular data, the messages you send and receive automatically use that connection and not the Iridium satellite network. The messages that use a connection other than the Iridium connection don’t count towards your plan allocation and are essentially free.

That can make a significant difference, especially as most of our adventures travel in and out of cellular service areas.
WanderingBison said:
​Good morning kmcintyre,

Thanks for your interest!

That is part of the careful balance with safety alerts, especially weather watches and warnings.

We are still working hard on developing our service, and one area we will work with our early users over the coming weeks is to understand what alerts they want to receive and what options they need to opt out of certain alerts.

In the meantime, one of the benefits of Zoleo, which you are likely already aware of, is that whenever your Zoleo device is paired to your smartphone, AND your smartphone has a data connection, such as cellular data, the messages you send and receive automatically use that connection and not the Iridium satellite network. The messages that use a connection other than the Iridium connection don’t count towards your plan allocation and are essentially free.

That can make a significant difference, especially as most of our adventures travel in and out of cellular service areas.
Good point but when I have cell coverage, I'm not sure how much my zoleo will be powered on. I did "sign up" but haven't seen any email (could have missed it). How long does it normally take to receive something?

Good point but when I have cell coverage, I'm not sure how much my zoleo will be powered on. I did "sign up" but haven't seen any email (could have missed it). How long does it normally take to receive something?


You should have received the invitation to the screening step, but if you haven’t (and it’s not in your spam folder), PM your name and email address and I’ll make sure you get an invite today.
All screening invitation for new sign-ups have been sent and there’s a number of them that are already submitted but don’t want to assume if you are or are not in that group.

ski3pin said:
We did also.
Again, thank you! I really appreciate this community's support.

Let me know if you have any issues, questions or feedback - it's essential to our success.

Same here, haven’t heard anything.

Nor have I…

Good morning,

My apologies for these delays - Here's what I understand: everyone who applied for the program has received an email from our automated system within a day or two of their application.

A couple of you have reached out over DMs or email, and I got you the link you needed, which you should have received by email.

For others, like Rubberlegs and Wandering Sagebrush (great handle by the way <grin>), I need the email address and name you signed up under to ensure I send you the correct invite.

I suspect our automated emails are getting caught in spam filters. That is certainly what's happened for a couple of you.

About a third of the invite emails we've sent were delivered but not opened in the last week or so. I have a call with our marketing email solution provider to see how we can improve that, but I suspect being a new company, many spam filters think our first email to you is unwanted. Never a boring moment :)

Would you please check your spam email folder and if you still can’t find an email from "Early Access Team (Adiona Alert)", reach out to me over DMs and I'll get you started.

Thanks again for your interest and patience.


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