Showing Off Our Campers


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Site Team
Jun 30, 2009
Sierra Nevada Range
[SIZE=14pt]There have been many posts on Wander the West about showing off our campers and answering people's questions. Has anyone had an experience like this? I was working at a crowded event last weekend, staying there in our camper. The Lady was not with me. I unlocked a building at the event early Sunday morning and then returned to the camper to finish dishes, pack up, and get items stowed away as it was the last day. It was a warm morning so I had the back door and screen wide open. A woman appeared at the door and asked if I could answer her questions about the camper. Of course. Since I was busy drying dishes and such, I asked her to just climb in with me, it would be easier to see the camper and I could answer questions as I finished up. She explained she was a single woman, had previously traveled in a VW van, and that she was not very mechanically inclined. The aging van was having issues so she recently sold it and bought a one year old Tacoma pickup, a much more dependable vehicle in her eyes. She was looking at getting a pop up camper for it and had walked past ours several times hoping to find someone about. She had great questions which I was happy to answer as best I could. With our conversation over, she climbed down out of the camper. From my view out the window I noticed a man was walking by at that moment. I heard a gruff deep male voice exclaim, "Now this is sure odd!" Oh boy, it was a jealous boyfriend. The woman explained to him but with just a little too much nervousness in her voice, I thought. All this was funny as all get out to me but I had the sense not to laugh out loud. I exited the camper, greeted the male, locked up the camper, and continued on my way tactfully without suggesting she find a new boyfriend.[/SIZE]
ski3pin said:
[SIZE=14pt]….continued on my way tactfully without suggesting she find a new boyfriend.[/SIZE]
But a new boyfriend -- not camping rig -- may have been exactly what she was in the market for when she made contact...
:eek: ;)
It's hard to guess the motives of others with such brief encounters.
Suffice it to say, the woman with interest had no idea of the formidable powers of the Lady.
Very, very few can keep up with the two of you!
About 20 years ago I saw a teardrop camper in a campground beside the NASCAR racetrack at Bristol, TN. It had a neatly lettered sign propped up on the tongue:

"Love Shack. Free Tours"
Oh my goodness, this possibility never crossed my mind.

MarkBC said:
But a new boyfriend -- not camping rig -- may have been exactly what she was in the market for when she made contact...
:eek: ;)
You meet the nicest people in a popup.

Big world out there Ski, do you think she would have talked with you if the Lady was with you? Sound like those two belong together.
Thanks for sharing is quite humorous.

One of the sales pitches for the hardside A-Frame pop-up trailers like our was "30 seconds to set up, 30 minutes to answer questions". Either or both of us show people the interior regularly. Upon request, of course..........
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