Skiing and Camping - advice...?

Gormley Green

Jan 17, 2011
Squamish, BC
Hey All,

Been creeping this site for about a year. Thanks to many of you I purchased a brand new FWC Hawk from Go Anywhere in October for my 2010 F150. I have only used it once since then, and it was 2 nights on the way back to Toronto from Wisconsin. Basically been busy with work but now have all the time in the world.

I want to drive west, maybe next week. Thinking of Wyoming, Montana, Idaho. Will drive to whichever mountain has the best snow at the time. Would also love to do some cross-country skiing and/or snowshoeing in Yellowstone.

I've only been to these western states once, and I have NO idea what the camping situation will be like with my truck camper. I know you can't typically camp in resort parking lots overnight - so I'm looking for some advice to make my trip easier. Anything will help!


And a pic so you know I'm real:
Nice set-up, welcome to the forum!

We're having some great snow out this way right now. We just returned from a skiing weekend at Sleeping Giant Ski Area, right outside the east entrance to Yellowstone. A small resort but some nice runs & beautiful scenery. $29 day pass, hard to beat!

For x-country skiing into Yellowstone I would recommend checking the town of West Yellowstone, Montana and/or Gardiner, Montana. Easy access to the park and ski friendly towns. Not sure, but the campground in Mammoth, in the NW corner of Yellowstone may be open in the winter...? That's the trick out here, most campgrounds are closed in the winter due to the snow pile up.

Big Sky ski resort, south of Bozemen, Montana (and just north of West Yellowstone) has some epic runs but can be crowded, especially on weekends. Lots of camping in the area in the summer, not sure what is available in the winter though... Targhee & Snow King, near Jackson, WY always have excellent snow but they're pricey & crowded.

Temps have been all over in the last 14 days... We've seen as low as -11*F last week, but today it's 44*F.. quite the swing! Keep the propane tank topped off, bring a good sleeping bag and you should be fine. Wish I could be of more help on the camping situation -
Hey Gormley Green,

I don't know if you are going to be a little farther south, but we are having a great year in Crested Butte, CO. We have awesome Nordic system trails set for Skate or Classic, incredible back country skiing, as well as great Alpine or Telemark extremes on the lift served terrain. We are expected to get over a foot with this current system. I believe you can pop the top in the ski area parking lot, as I see RV's up there all the time.

Enjoy your trip, wherever it takes you!

Good Camping,

My buddy that is a big skier insists that Grand Targhee has the best snow he's ever skied. I've always wondered about that little mountain in Montana - Discovery I think the name is?
Get yourself a benchmark map book for whatever states you're going to. If it's shaded in green and says "______ National Forest", chances are you'll have no problem camping pretty much anywhere around there. Free too. As always, a little discretion (pulling a ways down a logging road or something to be out of view) is recommended.

Get yourself a good set of tire chains if you're coming west. Real chain too, not that chickenwire and cable crap they're pushing on the young kids these days. :)

And congratulations on the new rig!!!
All in close proximity in Montana. Discovery, Lost Trail, Maverick, then head south to Targhee and Jackson Hole, or north (a bit) to Bridger and Big Sky ($$). You need to be mindful of Lost Trail and Maverick open Thursday thru Sunday.

Around Helena, Great Divide (Wed-Sun) is worth a trip, if the snow is good. The Wild West lift is open on weekends and is good. 2.5 hours north of Helena is Teton Pass, worth it for the scenery and can be good, again if the snow is good.

Head north around Glacier to Whitefish Mtn, some love it, I've never hit it when it's been great. West to Turner Mtn (Powder Mag says best lift served powder), open Friday-Sunday (makes sure the mtn hasn't been rented Mon-Thurs to ruin your powder). Then head south to Lookout Pass for some great powder, open Wed thru Monday.

All of these can be skied in a day and head to the next mountain the same day. I think you can camp in the parking lot at all of them.

Most of these are low key, uncrowded ski areas. Whitefish and Big sky are the largest and cost the most, but also have the nicest facilities.

All have awesome scenery, both at the ski area and the drives to the areas.

We have been getting rain and warm weather so not sure how the areas have held up. although for example, it's been all snow at Lost Trail (30 + inches).
Awesome stuff in here, thanks everyone! That was the shove I needed. Planning on a Monday departure, if I can get my a$$ in gear and also kick this flu. Need to get a board/ski rack for the FWC, stock up on food (aka chunky soup, instant noodles, and pistachios), propane, etc. No worries.

One thing I'm missing in the camper is a way to charge my Macbook via 12v - sometimes 1 or 2 movies isn't enough! AFAIK no such method exists yet (aside from mailing in and having your magsafe cord modified). Anyone care to enlighten me?
One thing I'm missing in the camper is a way to charge my Macbook via 12v - sometimes 1 or 2 movies isn't enough! AFAIK no such method exists yet (aside from mailing in and having your magsafe cord modified). Anyone care to enlighten me?

Get a small dc-->ac inverter. Then you plug your laptop into the inverter same as plugging into a wall outlet.

You're sure there's really no (after-market, maybe) device for dc direct to Macbook?
Get a small dc-->ac inverter. Then you plug your laptop into the inverter same as plugging into a wall outlet.

You're sure there's really no (after-market, maybe) device for dc direct to Macbook?

Good call, I have a decent sized one in the cab so I charge ac devices while I'm driving. The problem I have with inverters is how much energy they waste without even being drawn on. I.e heat, fan, etc... Maybe a really small one will do the trick. I would like to add a 2nd battery in the camper now I guess.
The problem I have with inverters is how much energy they waste without even being drawn on. I.e heat, fan, etc...

Yes, that's true about the inefficiency.
What's kinda ironic is that computers (like most electronic devices) actually run on dc internally -- that brick on the ac line is an ac->dc it should be easy to run directly off dc...after converting to the right voltage.
Why does Apple restrict accessories for their products so severely!?! But don't get me started on Apple-bashing...sorry.
so it should be easy to run directly off dc...after converting to the right voltage.
Why does Apple restrict stuff so much!?! But don't get me started on Apple-bashing...sorry.

I know exactly what you mean. Makes no sense at all! They run off batteries....!
Get a small dc-->ac inverter. Then you plug your laptop into the inverter

I charge my macbook with a $25 Black & Decker cigarette lighter inverter. I juice up while driving in the cab. Other times when my 13 yr. Old lab is riding in the camper I use the inverter to power a pet heat pad while traveling in cold weather.

Have a great time skiing some sweet pow!
Road trip out west? Your real reason for that is Leafs, come on over to the Canuck side. Wx. is better here too. Welcome aboard. This is a great site. Still in search for a Hawk.

Road trip out west? Your real reason for that is Leafs, come on over to the Canuck side. Wx. is better here too. Welcome aboard. This is a great site. Still in search for a Hawk.



Funny you mention that, moving to Victoria in August. Need a change of scenery, some hills would be nice. And better fly fishing. And more places to take my camper...etc etc etc etc! I'm a Leafs fan of course, but I'll keep my mouth shut!

Good luck in your search. Love mine so far. I just mounted a 6-ski Thule rack to the factory roof rack and it looks awesome. Will be perfect for my xc skis and snowboard.
I love my Mac, but right now it's either an inverter or a third party dc to dc converter for us (there are a couple out there).

That's one reason why I finally gave in and got an iPad. The laptop can stay home. I don't want the processing power when I'm on the road anyway, so I have an excuse for not working :cool:. And, I already have some movies/videos in iTunes to load. Plus, many DVD to iPad converters exist for not too much $.

But, YMMV. If I had a lot of DVDs, I might have gone with a good aftermarket DC-to-DC converter.

Back on topic, I'm looking forward to your trip report! Hope you find some good trails for skiing.
Awesome stuff in here, thanks everyone! That was the shove I needed. Planning on a Monday departure, if I can get my a$$ in gear and also kick this flu. Need to get a board/ski rack for the FWC, stock up on food (aka chunky soup, instant noodles, and pistachios), propane, etc. No worries.

One thing I'm missing in the camper is a way to charge my Macbook via 12v - sometimes 1 or 2 movies isn't enough! AFAIK no such method exists yet (aside from mailing in and having your magsafe cord modified). Anyone care to enlighten me?

For my MacBook I got a small Kensington inverter, bought it at the Mac Store. I also use an aircard for accessing the internet while I'm away from home. Enjoy! Terri
Good on ya. Will see ya when u get here. Guess u know Mt.Washington 510 base. Again the most in the world at a ski resort. One other, wx. today -2 and SUNNY. cheers
Not sure if you found the charger you are looking for, but I found this site: that seems to be the thing that would solve your charging dilemma.
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