Sleeping cross cab in Hawk vs. Fleet


New Member
Apr 29, 2013
Hey again everyone. So I'm narrowing down my build and now contemplating if I should build with a Hawk shell or a fleet shell for my 06 Tundra access cab. Here are my questions:

1. I like the idea of a smaller/lighter camper on the back but ideally I'd like to be able to sleep across cab to open up the camper. I'm 5'11. I know the body width on the fleet is 75 inches across - but I am wondering if I am going to be too close for comfort?

2. I know the fit is not perfect with the Hawk and the 1st gen Tundra AC - but other than just aesthetics are there any other issues with truck handling/center of gravity etc. with this combo?

3. Would just love to hear peoples general thoughts of fleet vs. hawk for 1st gen AC Tundra. I'm so new to all this there are probably factors I have not even taken into account because I haven't thought of them.

Thanks in advance for all the help. This forum is the best!!

- Matt

I used that combo for awhile. Other than looking a bit high it worked fine. I did add leafsprings to the 2001 Tundra because it sagged. I ultimately went to a Dodge Ram 3/4 ton because I pull a Jeep and wanted better towing power.

Here is some pictures of the Tundra.!i=908003810&k=23JZsWq

I am 6'1" and appreciate the width of the bed in the Hawk.

Here is the same Hawk on the 2005 Dodge.!i=1192840563&k=Njtzjx5

La Mesa CA
This is my 2002 Tundra with 2012 Hawk. Added Firestone Air Bags and E rated tires. The ride is good. I'm 6'2" and my girlfriend and I sleep comfortably on the bunk w/o extending it to the queen size. Lost 3 mpg, added 4" tubes under the side area where truck bed top meets the camper. I store the rear awning/poles in one tube and the side awning/poles (I built) in the other tube. Seems to work well and I'm happy with the look. Good luck. I would attach a photo, but see a place to do that...hmm?
explorer said:
This is my 2002 Tundra with 2012 Hawk. Added Firestone Air Bags and E rated tires. The ride is good. I'm 6'2" and my girlfriend and I sleep comfortably on the bunk w/o extending it to the queen size. Lost 3 mpg, added 4" tubes under the side area where truck bed top meets the camper. I store the rear awning/poles in one tube and the side awning/poles (I built) in the other tube. Seems to work well and I'm happy with the look. Good luck. I would attach a photo, but see a place to do that...hmm?
Just read the last line of your post again and thought ....hmmm,where did the attachment go.If you go to the bottom right hand corner,next to POST and click on MORE REPLY OPTIONS the attachment"paper clip" will come up .Than click on it and choose what picture you want to attach.
Took me a while to figure it out.

I would probably go with the Hawk over the Fleet. I am 5'11" and I find me sticking my feet against the far wall on my Hawk. Granted I use a regular full size bed pillow and probably can be a long sleeper (point my toes when I sleep).


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