

Aug 24, 2012
After a summer of sanding, I'm close to assembling the completely rebuilt top to my '64 NCO. Here's a shot of some of the parts:


And I need to replace the old slides and guides. Any info you can throw my way would be appreciated.
i had to make inner slide pieces for the back slides of my '64 nco. it was fast and easy.i cut two pieces of metal about 1/8 inch thick and 3 inches long. i cut them a little wider that the slides to make up for the bending. with a hammer and curved vise, i pounded it into a slight curve shape to acomadate the bolt head and pounded the outer edges in the opposite direction to fit in the slides. a little grinding of edges and bolt head to fit. works great.another thought was to use a modified drawer slide , but i didn't need to go that far.this is far from original equipment, but i'm a functional guy and sometimes inexpensive and simple is good enough.

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