SLO's 1990 Hawk Build/Refurb

One ice pick will be good. Put about seven screws in(about every sixth hole) then lower the top to make sure it is centered. I know your helper. I would work with him.

Thanks for the advice Marty. We got the panel in today with relatively no hiccups. Ill post picts tomorrow. I'll be crusing though Sacramento in a few weeks. Might have to stop by the factory and say hi. I hear you guys like donuts. :D

That's a 060S, right? That was my first truck camper. I still do miss that under-bed storage.

Yup, that the old skamper. The under the bed storage is amazing! Im sad to see her go, but the hawk is more spacious and lighter. For a fun read with lots of picts, here is a link to my build on the expo. It was a good ole restore similar to this one. Going to miss that old camper. haha :D

I dunno, not sure I trust many people with an ice pick in close proximity to me. Maybe I really need a new dog.

HAHA, Luckily the ice pick was not needed. :cool:
Alright Crew,

Gotta get some updates on here before I take off on the first official trip with this camper! Still got lots of little crap to do, but we are CLOSE! WHEW!!!! :)

First gotta give a big THANK YOU to AlleyKat. He generously offered up his Saturday to help me install the new lift panel. He was a HUGE help!
Next, a big thank you to Marty of ATC. He answered our questions and gave us advice.
Finally I used this thread as well to gain some knowledge. Great incite here. Thanks Rich.

Before you remove what you have left of your lift panel which includes drilling out A LOT of rivets, build some sort of support for the roof. This needs to be rigid in all directions so the roof does not move when you take the old panel out. I used some 2x4's and braced it off. Worked well, but looks like crap. That is fine. Scrap wood comes in handy! haha Dont forget to pre tension the spring loaded hinge. My tie down idea seemed to work pretty darn well. That is documented in a few posts above.
Also, remember there are elastic straps riveted to the canvas. When you take the panel out don't forget to cut them. You don't want to rip your canvas.

Pict of one side of the support.

Old Panel..

Panel out. Dont for get to clean your canvas! I also reinforced the areas that looked weak with canvas repair tape. I want as much time out of that old stuff as I can get.

New panel ready for infitting.

Looking good up there.

I REALLY did not want to drill out the canvas for the elastic bands and attach new ones. I felt that the older canvas would rip. Instead we came up with sewing velcro to the existing elastic band on riveted on the canvas, then sewed another peice to the elastic on the new panel. You know what. It works like a charm and made it easy to attach! SWEET, the canvas folds in still.



Now after that is done you can start getting the panel in there. Dont forget to measure like 10 times to make sure it is centered and aligns. Also dont forget to connect your new velcro straps.

Hum... I need a haircut!

We shimmed it up with wood I had laying around and got the upper hinge nice and tight to the roof. After a 12th time checking the measurements, it was centered and RIVET TIME!
New holes for the new rivets.


Marty from ATC recommended doing about 7 on top and 7 on bottom spaced evenly. Then poping the camper up and down a few times to make sure it aligns. NOTE.... Look long and hard at your camper roof and how it aligns when down before you start this project. From the factory mine was not perfect so you might want to note how yours folds before so you can compare it to folding with the new panel.

After checking it, we were pretty happy. Time to finish the job.

And here it is all nice and shiny! Also, dont forget when taking those tie downs off, the lower hinge is still tension and will snap back. Marty said use an icepick, but we found that it was easy to manually bend the hing around.

All in all it was not too bad. I cant stress enough that the support structure should not let the roof move. Also measure, measure, measure. It was a solid 6 hour project as well.
I just realized that I did not take a pict of the new handle. Have to do that later.

Gotta get a shot of both the rigs!

Happy after a good day of work!

This old camper is quite a hybrid. New white counters, old Oak veneer walls, and new birch front panel! haha Still looking good and am Pretty darn excited about the trip.
Cheers guys and let me know if you have any questions. It late and I am probably forgetting something. :D

Allen, chime in with anything I fogot.
Excellent. Now just make this one stays dry!

That is the idea. Sealing the roof up next. Tiny leak up front. That is what did it in over the years....

Just got back from the first trip. Great time and the camper performed well. Lots of little kinks to work out and a NEW FRIDGE for sure. That dang dometic is worthless. haha

Report, Picts, etc coming soon. Just gotta catch up at work. YUCK! :D


I know where that is...I was in that spot last October. Makes me envious...and determined to get up there again! :)
Haha. Good Call Guys! That place was great. My first time there. Lots of great back counrty roads and camping spots. We spent 2 days and nights up there are rode to the top of White Mountain. :D

Haha. Good Call Guys! That place was great. My first time there. Lots of great back counrty roads and camping spots. We spent 2 days and nights up there are rode to the top of White Mountain. :D


Yeah, great place -- love that lunar landscape!
Many years ago I hiked to the summit...maybe I'll repeat that this year (?) Driving a vehicle and parking at 12,000' (as I did), must be the easiest 14-er that a body can hike in California.
Looking forward to your whole story with photos.
So, the weekend before my trip I never got the chance to post up progress. I was able to install my battery isolator system as well as work on version 4.0 of my bike rack.

First off I have to give credit where credit is due. Thanks evldave (on ExPo) for this great thread on how to make a cheap isolated system. I basically followed this thread and here is what I came up with...

My bracket to mount everything in the engine compartment shown here ready to weld up. Fuses on each side of the solenoid are stored here directly by the battery that runs all my auxilerery systems for my ole 7.3L. (Drivers Side) Just barely enough room here to fit.

Here it is pictured mounted in the truck. Nice coat of gloss black always helps.


The 4ga jumper cables or "wire" I should say I ran all the way back to the camper. I bought a 20ft set and it was barely enough.

Next up was yet another version of my swing out bike rack that I have been perfecting over time. Well, I should say trying to perfect. After this first trip and about 50+ miles of dirt road this one needs some tweaking. Link to picts of the last version....

Long story short I originally tried to copy the Northshore racks but for us camping/truck type the lack of a swing-out quickly ruled them out. Not to mention the rediculous price. :sombrero: Hey, Im cheap. haha

Anyways, I wanted to be able to adapt my swingout rack to the Thule 916XTR T2 which, yes are overpriced for the quality but I got a killer deal on it and couldnt pass it up. Plus its not all the time I find myself in the need to carry 4 bikes.

So, here are pictures of my adapting my ole swing out rack to receive the new Thule Rack.

Parts cut and ready to weld. Note, I left myself the option to bolt on the old vertical 4 bake holder I made hence the additional receiver.

Welded and gussested up....


Bolted a reciever to the new swing out arm and mounted the Thule Rack.


And it folds out. Clearence for bikes work, etc..... Just needs more work after getting HAMMERED on this past trip. Mainly, it wiggles around to much for my liking. Its not going anywhere, but I like to see my bikes on a solid platform. We'll see what I come up with.


So that brings us to this weekend in which I only had a few hours but I was able to give a good washing to the camper. I used the 303 cleaner and waterproofer to add some life to the canvas and I must say that stuff works great! Note, the waterproof-er is a separate bottle. Really brought the canvas back to life and would recommend it to anyone.

All cleaned up.

No time to retire. Cheers.... :victory:
So all that has been happening lately is WORK! Yuck! haha I was able to sneak a bit of time in on the camper this weekend! YES! :cool:

First, thanks to Alley-Kat for all his advice to date! I appreciate it! A thanks as well to chnlisle for helping me out with my Engel fridge transaction! Cant wait to get that thing!

Im excited to say I have an Engel SB70 on the way. I'm done with that ole Dometic RM 2193. 2nd one of those models and it is seriously a pain. So, what comes with a new all electric fridge.... SOLAR PANEL! I was going for the standard 100W panel on solar blvd, but when I called they had just sold out the day before. Not wanted to hold up my project due to upcoming Utah Mountainbiking, I went with the "go big or go home" and picked up the next size. 140 Watt Panel!! I would recommend solar blvd to anyone. I called my order in. They made sure I had what I wanted. Talked about charge controllers which I wanted cheap, etc. Panel and fittings were there 2 days later!

Getting the legs mounted and wiring ready.

Mounted! I have to admit, I am not a big fan of the wires showing on the roof, but due to my pull out bed, and issues that will arise if I run the wire from the front, I decided to drop it down the back and run the wire behind the cabinet work. More to come on that next week.

I also had some time to pull scrap wood laying around my shop together for a little cabinet like a lot of FWC's have. Gotta love adding storage!

Big kid LEGO'S! HAHA


Mounted up! Note, I just screwed it to the double layer of plywood infilling the aluminum frame in the wall.

Top down. Looking good.

Next weekend time for A LOT of wiring! Oh Boy! :)
Well, work has got me behind on just about everything in my personal life. I thought I would try and post a few pictures. Unfortunately I didnt take any pictures the last afternoon I was working on the camper so I can't update ya'll on too much progress. BUMMER! The new cabinet is done and looks great. Got the new fuse panel installed, solar wiring ran, wiring for the new fridge ran, etc. Picts of all that coming next weekend.

SO, Here is where I stand kinda right now. WOW! Talk about a big change!

Yup, that's right, I gutted her again. I pretty much re-ran all the wiring, cleaned it up, etc. The fridge needed to go directly to the battery. So, its got its own 12ga going back there. Next the solar panel obviously needs to go all the way to the battery as well so 10ga for that.

Table full of fun stuff that ole amazon got me. Up, my NEW ENGEL Frdige there as well! So excited about that!

More picts of the new fridge.


So, here is my layout so far for all the new goodies. Some of this stuff I have had for a while. 12v USB Charger, Cigarette 12v charger, Sunforce Charge Controller, Watts up meter, and Hunter digital thermostat. More updates on that soon. Still trying to figure out exactly how I want to mount it all and how I want it to look.


And finally something that I am REALLY excited about funny enough..... Being a structural engineer, I am lucky enough to get to know many contractors. One was nice enough to cut me new counter tops out of some left-overs he had. So there they are, ready to install in the camper. Just have to cut out the holes for the sink and water pump. I think I am not going to put the stove back in. I am going to have a hookup inside to my Colman camp stove. I am also extending the counter top all the way to the front and adding one more little spot for storage.


I wont get any time this weekend to work on the old Hawk, but am going to do a marathon 3 day weekend the following to get her up and running for Utah.
It looking real good Paul. That solar panel will be great. I will eventually add one to my Hawk, but I haven't used the camper enough to justify or establish what my power needs are. I only have lights (LEDs), water pump for sink, and a furnace, so not much power draw...especially since I haven't run the furnace yet.

Your Hawk look awesome on your truck. Thanks for sharing the photos and the update on your project.

I would add an unregulated propane "spigot" somewhere convenient inside so that you can use the Coleman stove inside when the weather is too miserable to want to cook outside.
It looking real good Paul. That solar panel will be great. I will eventually add one to my Hawk, but I haven't used the camper enough to justify or establish what my power needs are. I only have lights (LEDs), water pump for sink, and a furnace, so not much power draw...especially since I haven't run the furnace yet.

Your Hawk look awesome on your truck. Thanks for sharing the photos and the update on your project.


Thanks Jeremy! I never had a battery problem until I decided to go 12v fridge. You should be fine with your current setup. I would suggest a batter isolator though. Cheap and easy to install.

I would add an unregulated propane "spigot" somewhere convenient inside so that you can use the Coleman stove inside when the weather is too miserable to want to cook outside.

That is pretty much exactly what I plan on doing! I saw someone that did it years back on a thread. Thought it was a pretty slick Mod. Going to pick up the propane line parts this weekend.

Anyone want my old stove? :D
Keep it, you'll be ripping out the interior soon enough and be putting it back in.
I know you well enough now to say that!

Listen to the wisdom here. :)
The guts of your old Hawk sure reminds me of how the insides of our old Ranger II looked.
Enjoying the epic, right along with you.
Keep it, you'll be ripping out the interior soon enough and be putting it back in. I know you well enough now to say that!

HAHA I hope not, but yea, you probably are right. :D I'll keep it laying around.

Listen to the wisdom here. :) The guts of your old Hawk sure reminds me of how the insides of our old Ranger II looked.Enjoying the epic, right along with you.

Gotta love customizing them! Isn't it funny how while you are already in the middle of one phase of the project you are already thinking of the next! I really want to modify the bench into the dinette.... Maybe a good winter project. We'll see! :rolleyes:
Well, I was lucky enough to get about a 1/2 day off Friday and made good progress on Saturday. It's coming back together. Lots new wiring! The new fridge looks and works great! It was 38* in no time after turning it on. I'm interested to see if I hear the sound of the compressor once everything is back together.

It was a mess in the camper!

Everything hooked up and running! Just barely fits in there! I decided last minute to go with a morning sunsaver charge controller. Glad I did, the other one was cheap! I ran a 2nd propane line and valve which will give me gas to a portable camping stove. Looks pretty bad with all those fittings, but Im sure it will get the job done.

Fridge back in and the upper countertop too. Its starting to look good.


The upper drawer fits perfectly!


The cabinet doors now on. I think it turned out pretty good.



I hope to have it all back together tomorrow!! :B
I've been running the SB70 for a while now, with the stock battery (79ah) and a 120 watt solar setup and love it. The fridge runs incredibly well, and super efficient. It does tend to vibrate so ensure you mount it nicely and buffer it a bit if possible. It makes ice on level 3! What more could you ask for (more room I guess - but it's fine for the 2 of us).

Looks great.
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