SLO's August White Mountain & Mammoth Adventure


Senior Member
Jul 10, 2012
Santa Barbara
Hey All,
A little late getting a trip report up, but better late than never eh? WARNING: This will be heavy on pictures, especially of my rig. First trip with the new camper and my girlfriend called me obsessed! haha I'm sure ya'll understand. :cool:

We left Thursday 8/9 from San Luis Obispo CA headed for hwy 178 and Walker pass on our way to the east side of the sierras. On the back side of hwy 178 as you head down to hwy14 there are some spots to camp along the way. Its mostly BLM land. We had a friend tell us about a good spot where they camp on the way to the mountains. Coordinates are 39 35'03" N 118 00'22" W

Picture of camp.


In the morning we could see where we were. High Dez and lots of J-Tree's. Nice but it was getting HOT! Time to get outta there!


We headed out toward Bishop but stopped by the old Manzanar Japanese Internment camp. Last year I designed the the historical rebuld of the housing structures. Quite a little challenge. The criteria was that it had to be exactly as it was 70 years ago but be to current code. haha They turned out pretty good!


Nice shot of the rig & lady with the mountains in the background. :elkgrin:


We then headed up toward Big Pine then hit hwy 168 and then White Mountain Road. We drove up that road to Grandview Campground. Its not a bacd backcountry camp, but there were too many people around for me. In the back of the camp is a dirt road. I was thinking LETS GO!


Picture of the area showing where we camped the next 2 nights.


Where we ended up.




Yup, I was liking taking pictures of the new setup!
Few shots from Camp.



The clouds started to come in and threaten, but that is all they did.

Now it was time for Beers and Dinner! I was a happy dude being out here in the middle of nowhere!


Didn't really set up the full shop, but got a the little BBQ going.


Dinner time! Turkey Burgers with portebella mushroom, couscos and salad!


Cocktails at Sunset and we'll call it a GREAT 2nd night in the camper!



And that was the start... More picts coming up soon. :D
Nice TR developing here, SLO. Thanks for sharing your campsites with us. Grand View or beyond is on the Bucket List. Food, drinks, view, companion, rig, location; you've got it all workin' :)
And grilled zucchini, too! More, please. :)

Coming up! :D

Nice TR developing here, SLO. Thanks for sharing your campsites with us. Grand View or beyond is on the Bucket List. Food, drinks, view, companion, rig, location; you've got it all workin' :)

No problemo! I would recommend that area. We had a blast. Next time I go up there though I will be a motoring on through Grandview headed towards White Mountain. There are SO many dirt roads/camping off that road. Picts of that to come soon.

Between the good food and those sunglasses, you guys are one cool couple! :cool:

HAHA The girl likes her sunglasses! :cool:
Can you please post some closer pictures of that Bike Rack you have there? Thanks. Darryl

No problem. It has been an ongoing project of mine for 2 years. This is version 4.0. Here is a thread link to one of the earlier versions. Its from my first camper build.
Excited to see more. Looks like a very cool area that I have never been too. Keep it coming!

Ask and you shall receive. Alright, lets keep the pictures a coming!

The next morning we woke up and the plan was the drive up to the base of white mountain. You can drive all the way to a locked gate. Puts you about 12,000ft. Its all pretty smooth graded dirt road. Great views along the way!!



Had to stop at the overlook. Quite a good view of the valley!




I think it was about 17miles of dirt. We're getting closer! BTW, there are tons of other dirt roads to explore off this road and tons of back country camping!



Finally parked at the gate. I forgot to take a picture but there is a parking area. I was surprised to see about 9 other cars there. Lots of people hiking.
We started out and it was climbing right away! The trail goes about 7 miles and climbs up, up, and up!


After about 1000ft and a rough climb after we passed the high altitude research station up there we stopped for snacks. Again, I forgot to take a picture of the research station. DANG! haha



Good shot of my girl and I!


The road then continues. It was a fairly easy ride. Mostly 4x4 back country road. Once you get to the base of white mountain I would recommend you park your bike and switch to hiking shoes and hike the last 1000ft. It was a loose steep hike a bike up to the top. Not fun!


At the top!


On the way down a storm rolled in and we got hailed on. It was a bit nerve racking as we were completely exposed. Luckily the lightening was not close so I was not too worried.


It rained and hailed the whole way down! Made for a fun ride in the truck. All in all, no complaints and a fun day!
On our way back to Grandview and Camp for night 2.


Also, on the drive, the ole 7.3L hit 212,000 miles at about 12,000ft on a dirt road. I was so proud! HAHA


That's enough for tonight. Ill keep the pictures coming! Thanks for reading. :)
Great stuff, slo! :) I spend time up there almost every year, but I haven't explored most of the possibilities for dispersed camping.

For those not familiar with the area, camping is not allowed in the designated "Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest" area, which covers much of the crest near the road...which is also some of the most view-some area. You just have to pay attention to where that boundary is. Last fall I camped near the radio towers which are near the top of the Silver Canyon Road, just outside of the restricted bristlecone area. Huge view.
Once a year Barcroft Station has an open house. Worth putting on your calendar. If nothing else then you can drive all of the way to the station. When we were there they had an experiment in process studying the effects of high altitude on the fertility of sheep.
Great stuff, slo! :) I spend time up there almost every year, but I haven't explored most of the possibilities for dispersed camping.

For those not familiar with the area, camping is not allowed in the designated "Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest" area, which covers much of the crest near the road...which is also some of the most view-some area. You just have to pay attention to where that boundary is. Last fall I camped near the radio towers which are near the top of the Silver Canyon Road, just outside of the restricted bristlecone area. Huge view.

Good to know Mark. I had no idea that was the case. Luckily it was raining and I didnt pull over to set up camp on one of those "view-some" areas! :cool:

Great trip report so far. You camped where I would have camped had I arrived in the daylight.

Being able to explore during the day helps out bigtime! Its nerve racking enough driving down a dirt tight dirt road with the big rig during the day! HAHA I'm always worried about turning the beast around. Usually my girl and I jump on our bikes for a little exploring before heading down "that road".

Once a year Barcroft Station has an open house. Worth putting on your calendar. If nothing else then you can drive all of the way to the station. When we were there they had an experiment in process studying the effects of high altitude on the fertility of sheep.

Thats cool! We stopped and chatted with one of the guys up there. They were still studying the effects of high altitude on the fertility of sheep. Pretty interesting high altitude setup they have.

My girlfriend was down visiting this weekend from SLO so I was able to steal some of her pictures. A few more shots from the White Mountain Ride....

Me grubbing down on a snack. That altitude sure makes me HUNGRY!


Another shot of where we are going. Long way up!


The shack at the top. Not sure what it is up there for.


My girl's garmen watch showing the elevation.


The route down. OH BOY!


The muddy drive back to find a campsite...


Ill get more pictures of the cool campsite we got later. In one of the posts above, I put up a google earth shot of the area. It was the star designating "night 2". :cool:
Good to know Mark. I had no idea that was the case. Luckily it was raining and I didnt pull over to set up camp on one of those "view-some" areas! :cool:


Check out the Inyo NF map to see the exact boundaries of that no-camping Bristlecone Forest some areas there's a sign: "Entering/Leaving Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest", something like that. There's a flat area, kinda like a parking area, at the top of the Silver Canyon Road that's about 100 yards outside the restricted area, and I've camped there a couple of times: huge view over Bishop and the eastern Sierras -- absolutely spectacular camping spot, view-wise...though maybe not choice in any other way.

Despite that restrictive zone, dispersed camping is legal both south of it (like, kinda between Grandview and the Schulman Grove) as well as north of it, between the Patriarch Grove and the locked gate.
You have the rig all set-up! Perfect.

I see you keep the tailgate on, so do I. How do you like that?
It does make for a nice little bench/table. Getting in and out is a little more challenging, but I'm OK with it.

Happy Trails to you!

Once a year Barcroft Station has an open house. Worth putting on your calendar. If nothing else then you can drive all of the way to the station. When we were there they had an experiment in process studying the effects of high altitude on the fertility of sheep.

Say it's not true...

Check out the Inyo NF map to see the exact boundaries of that no-camping Bristlecone Forest some areas there's a sign: "Entering/Leaving Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest", something like that. There's a flat area, kinda like a parking area, at the top of the Silver Canyon Road that's about 100 yards outside the restricted area, and I've camped there a couple of times: huge view over Bishop and the eastern Sierras -- absolutely spectacular camping spot, view-wise...though maybe not choice in any other way.Despite that restrictive zone, dispersed camping is legal both south of it (like, kinda between Grandview and the Schulman Grove) as well as north of it, between the Patriarch Grove and the locked gate.

Thanks for the Info!!!

You have the rig all set-up! Perfect.I see you keep the tailgate on, so do I. How do you like that?It does make for a nice little bench/table. Getting in and out is a little more challenging, but I'm OK with it.Happy Trails to you!~DR

Thanks. Rig is working out great so far! I'm 50/50 on leaving the tailgate on. It is a nice bench, but a pain getting in and out. I would like to take it off when I build my new bumper with tire/jerrycan swing out, but who knows when Ill get time for that! Happy trails to you too! :D

Love a heavy photo laden TR...good stuff. Thanks for all the pics.

Thanks! I like looking at other people trips/rigs/etc so I try to post as many photos as posible! :)

How about some pictures from night 2 in the area. (night 3 total) In the map on one of my previous posts you can see where we ended up. Just up the hill from the night before.

Oh how I love this view!! :D


Where we ended up. The hill was WAY steeper than it looked! Just enough room to level out though!



Cool view from the cocktail spot!




How about Tacos for dinner! View and all!





Ok, more truck picts.... Sorry, cant help!



Next morning it was Egg Taco time! A little salsa theme that day.


Morning Coffee Spot now.



On the road again! Headed to Mammoth. Great time in the White Mountain/ Ancient Bristle Cone Forest Area!! :)


Just a bit more to come. Some shots of riding in Mammoth and a few of Tahoe.

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