Solar Upgrad


Senior Member
Aug 4, 2008
Hello folks,
Looking to add 100 watt panel to my existing FWC stock system on a 2013 Hawk. I currently have the stock 85 watt panel installed at the factory going into a 15 amp MPTT controller. Everything is prewired from the factory. My question is what exactly besides the panel itself do I need to mount and add the panel to my system? I have never done anything like this so I'm unfamiliar with the what exact fitting I may need.
Thanks for any help.
2X-yep-you need a 30 amp comptroller to make things work; just a thought, if you only have one house battery you may need to add an additional battery too-to store all that new power :D

Why do you need a 30 amp controller for 200 watts, the 15 amp controller will support up to 255 watts? My factory installed 15 amp Zamp controller works perfectly with my 2 100 watt panels, what am I missing?
BrianG said:
Why do you need a 30 amp controller for 200 watts, the 15 amp controller will support up to 255 watts? My factory installed 15 amp Zamp controller works perfectly with my 2 100 watt panels, what am I missing?
That was my thoughts also Brian, Both of the solar panels are rated for less than 6 amps, so rounding up I would have a total rating of 12 amps. My 15 amp rated controller should easily be able to handle the load. Unless I'm missing something??
Anyway does anyone have any specific information about what I should order to wire and mount another 100 watt panel?
I'm also curious about whether I should wire in parallel or series? I also forgot to mention I currently have two batteries wired already, so I'm good there.
My 2-100w upgrades for my Granby were provided by Renolgy and they were who told me that I needed a 30amp Comptroller. I believe I saw that same requirement mentioned here by several other folks going through the upgrade process. I also seem to remember they told me that if I upgrade again I need more than just a new comptroller, like a different and more complicated set upset up! I think I have mine rigged in parallel but goggle it. there are some real good discussions about that there. I should mention here that without the help of a few good books, some friends and this site, I would still be driving around with one 39w solar panel! If you need the titles of the books let me know and I'll run out to the truck because they are part of that ever growing group of things that make up "Fix anything" kit!

Check out "Handy Bob RV". Lots to read and lots to learn. He sure helped me understand a number of issues. Good luck, Bigfoot Dave
OK, so here's what I ordered today from Renogy. Btw they were very helpful and convenient as a one stop shop. One 100 watt poly panel, one 5' MC4 extension cable, one MC4 adapter for wiring two panels in parallel and the mounting brackets with everything needed to mount the panel to the roof.
I didn't get a lot of specific info here, so I'll be taking pictures with step by step instructions just in case someone wants to just add more wattage to the FWC stock solar setup like I'm doing.
More to follow...

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