South Utah


Nov 10, 2005
Simi Valley Ca.
First and foremost I have to apologize for the lack of photos. I just bought a new Nikon camera and planned on posting some pics. I packed the camper being sure not to forget the camera. What I did forget was the battery and charger.

Day one, After a long slog through the Mojave I arrived in Utah. After a restful night at a rest stop north of Cedar City I left I15 and took Hwy 12. On the map it's listed as a "Scenic Highway" this is a under statement. This is one of the most beautiful drives I've ever been on. I highly recommend this drive. At some points I was driving at 10 MPH do to the spectacular views. My fellow motorist where not amused.

At lunch time I stopped at the Burr Trail Gill. As luck would have it they not only have good food and micro brews but WIFI as well. The parking lot turned into a mini FWC rally with tree campers including mine. With a belly full of good food and beer it's on to Capitol Reef and Hanks ville.
Once again I'm sorry about the lack of photos.
Reporting live from Southern Utah.

Hwy 12 sure is great, hope you are taking the Burr Trail and the switchbacks. Cedar Mesa on the Notam/Bullfrog road is a nice remote campsite.

That's a great route. I came back from Silverton last year via that road. Utah has some amazing scenery.

A suggestion - When you get to Hanksville hang a left on hwy 24 and go up to Goblin Valley State Park. The formations there are like nothing you've ever seen before.

Have fun Mike!

You can pick up a wi-fi signal by the Whispering Sands motel in Hanksville. I also really like the drive through Cathedral Valley, in the north section of Capitol Reef NP. So much to see in S. Utah...

hey, how's the couch working out?? and glad you survived the 24 hour grand traverse of YNP!! funny thing i was showing some friends the route to the burr trail just yesterday they've never been to s utah and have no idea what they're getting into.. hope to get out in the camper in a few weeks this acl surgery has laid me up a bit, getting plenty of tv time...
With a little help from DD and Stew I figured out how to work the camera. What does this button do?


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