Southern Utah Spectacular


Fantastic report with great shots, particularly of the White Rim Trail. I will have to live vicariously through your report. I would love to do that route but like you, my co-pilot will have nothing to do with any road that involves steep drops. That is a big part of why we skipped the Colorado rally. Bummer about Baja. Perhaps a spring trip will work out for you. No chubascos that time of year.


I would love to do that route but like you, my co-pilot will have nothing to do with any road that involves steep drops. That is a big part of why we skipped the Colorado rally.

Not to hijack the thread... but my wife clued me in when I got home from the Colorado Rally that she too, didn't want to "white knuckle it" on the trails in the San juans (as we had done previously in a rented Jeep).

When I showed her pics of the type of roads we ran near Eureka, her comment was "That's it? Had I known THAT I might have made more effort to come along."

Ooops....yer loss, dear.

Great pics, BTW. Kinda makes ya wish you had some removable "curb feelers" like they used to put on (large) cars in the past to alert ya when yer"close" to that cliff face....huh?

thanks for sharing

Thanks for the fantastic trip comments and photos. I was hoping to go next year but now looking at the trail I don't know. would/could a full size,4x4,ext cab,long bed GMC truck make it on some of the narrow spots? I need to do a lot more checking. thanks again for all the work you did posting the pics.
...or maybe she was just going insane after 9 days on the road with my smelly a$$??

Pretty sure. Great trip and pics Suni! I'm convinced now that White Rim is on next years schedule. Awesome.
Thanks for the fantastic trip comments and photos. I was hoping to go next year but now looking at the trail I don't know. would/could a full size,4x4,ext cab,long bed GMC truck make it on some of the narrow spots? I need to do a lot more checking. thanks again for all the work you did posting the pics.

They run some pretty big rigs out there to support the mountain bike tours - I'd think it would be OK but probably best to get word from someone thats done it.
Great trip and writeup. Been thinking about White Rim but now after seeing those pics it might just a bit much for my rig.
You hit some great sights and makes me want to get back there, anyone for later in October, before this?
Thanks for the fantastic trip comments and photos. I was hoping to go next year but now looking at the trail I don't know. would/could a full size,4x4,ext cab,long bed GMC truck make it on some of the narrow spots? I need to do a lot more checking. thanks again for all the work you did posting the pics.
Like DD said, there are a lot of support vehicles for mtn bikers that are pretty big, even passed what looked like a dually. I'm not sure if they do the whole loop or go in and come out the same way though. Don't think you'd have issues. My long wheel base wasn't a factor though yours is a bit longer. Great trip and writeup. Been thinking about White Rim but now after seeing those pics it might just a bit much for my rig.
I don't think you'd have any issues Craig. All that being said, I have to say there are some seriously bad places where it would be a nightmare if you were the person who had to backup after meeting somebody head on. I was very thankful (lucky) it didn't happen to us. I'm almost amazed it's a two way trail.
I'm so stoked to see you made it America's premier playground. You covered a lot of ground and saw some choice stuff. Not bad for 'Plan B' SunMan!

Awesome pics and great write up. Glad to hear the permit on the WRT worked out.
No problem with having the dog in White rim or some other parks. I have been wanting to go to White Rim but thought dogs were not allowed.I can't bring myself to leave him at home :(
No problem with having the dog in White rim or some other parks. I have been wanting to go to White Rim but thought dogs were not allowed.I can't bring myself to leave him at home

Uh, yeah, that was a minor problem there.

After I got my permit the ranger was going over all of the "do's and dont's" and came to the "NO PETS" part and my heart sunk. HONESTLY the pets issue never crossed my mind until then. I shoulda known as all Nat'l Parks are not very pet friendly. Anyway, the good guy side of me wanted to mention i had a dog but i knew what would happen and i had come a LONG way hoping to do this. Bottom line, I bit my tongue and smuggled Gunner as contraband thru the WRT. Not proud of it, but I wasn't going without my wingman. The reality of it was that he was only out of the camper 3 or 4 hours total and sleeping most of the time after getting the crap beat out of him all day in the back of the camper . Of course all waste was packed out with me.

Phew, I feel better now. Good thing we use aliases here!
Hey Sun Man,

I am a friend of Jay's. I live in Ventura. I think I've seen your truck at Trader Joe's? Is that right?

Hey Gene,
That is highly likely. TJ's has been known to steal a dollar or two from me!


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