Southwest Tour - Circuit One

Wandering Sagebrush

Free Range Human
Site Team
Nov 17, 2013
Northeast Oregon
We just got back from a great trip around the Southwest. A lot of fun and we found some great places, a trip report will be coming soon!

Best of all was meeting up with a number of WTW members. Here's the list in chronological order: BSeek, the MissingLinks and another couple who didn't remember their WTW name... all at Death Valley; MarkBC and the RicoV's at Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument. The MissingLinks again in the Alabama Hills. If I forgot anyone, apologies in advance.

The goal of this trip was to find more places to explore in detail at a later date, so we took the hardside camper for a bit of extra comfort. As soon as we catch up around the house, we hope to get back on the road and into the Four Corners area for a look at the great parks and monuments in that area.
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